Alternative Beliefs: What They Are and What They're Not

Alternative Beliefs: What They Are and What They're Not

Alternative Beliefs: What They Are and What They're Not
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What is an alternative belief? An alternative belief is essentially anything that strays from a mainstream belief. 

It doesn't mean you embrace devil worship or practice satanic rituals! Alternative beliefs are not cults or a method for brainwashing either. 

Alternative beliefs can apply to many things, including science, spirituality, psychology and even medicine, just to name a few. 

Alternative beliefs allow you to explore new possibilities and methods that vary from a majority group belief.

An alternative belief could mean something as simple as praying at the base of a tree rather than attending a worship service with a large group of people.

They allow you to go places in your mind that "normal" people would not dare. They allow you to embrace the limitless possibilities of the known world, rather than being stifled by what is.

People have been practicing and exploring various forms of alternative beliefs since the beginning of time, and there is still much more to be discovered. 

Essentially, anyone who strays away from the orthodox beliefs of a group could be described as embracing alternative beliefs.

A Route to Genius?

When Einstein first talked about his "thought experiments," people probably thought he was crazy, but that didn't stop him in any way, shape or form. No one would dare question Einstein today because most of us think of him as a genius.

Einstein imagined that he was chasing after a beam of light in his thoughts, and that simple little thought experiment, or creative visualization as we would call it today, ultimately led to the theory of relativity.

This is definitely an example of someone embracing an alternative belief, but look where it got him! Imagine coming up with something like that today and what an impact it could have on the world. 

The beauty of alternative beliefs is that they allow you the freedom to explore things that most people deem impossible. There is no limit to the imagination because the mind can go anywhere, even other galaxies.

From chakra healing to Feng Shui to craniosacral therapy, the possibilities are endless and there is something for everyone. If you don't like something in your life, you can easily change it using something simple like Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP).

Types of Alternative Practices


If you would like to eliminate an addiction or heal faster, you can use an incredible tool like hypnosis if you like; there really is no limit. 

There are even alternative beliefs that use what nature provides, such as crystal therapy, where one focuses on the beauty and splendour of various crystals and minerals to heal physical and emotional issues.


Therapies, such as biofeedback, can improve one's health and the body's ability to perform at peak potential. 

Biofeedback may also be helpful in ridding the body of stress, pain, emotional imbalances, addiction or even disease and sickness.


The usage of aromatic oils, as is used in aromatherapy, has been around for centuries, and many ancient people believed that aromatic therapy was extremely useful.

Distilled essential oils have been utilized as a form of medicine since the invention of the distillation process in the 11th century when steam distillation was first used.

Aromatherapy is often combined with practices like massages or facials or other kinds of touch therapy. There is evidence to suggest that massage therapy has been used in many civilizations dating back even as far as 2330 BC.

In 1878 Johann Georg Mezger, a Dutch practitioner, coined the phrase "Swedish Massage System." In the United States, massage therapy is thought to have become increasingly widespread in the mid-19th century.

The point is that all of these practices are a sort of alternative belief, but they have been around for hundreds of years. Therefore, in many ways, they encompass our history and one should be proud to embrace them.

Tai chi

The alternative practices of tai chi and yoga have been utilized for many years with tai chi going all the way back to the 1800s. Research has shown that tai chi has some health benefits as well with some studies indicating favourable effects on balance control, flexibility and even cardiovascular fitness.

Studies also show tai chi may reduce the risk of falls in elderly patients and those recovering from heart failure, stroke, high blood pressure, multiple sclerosis and even Alzheimer's, so there is no age limit to this ancient art.


Acupuncture, which many consider an alternative belief, was developed in China, and it is a very ancient healing art that has been used for centuries. It is based on the theory of chi or what is commonly called life force, which many alternative therapies utilize.

Acupuncture helps the body correct and balance itself by channelling a continuous flow throughout the body into a network of various energy meridians. Many alternative therapies also use this idea, with reiki and reflexology using similar modalities.

Keep an Open Mind

Whether or not you are curious about dream analysis, Pranic Healing or astrology, alternative therapies are a great way to explore the possibilities. When traditional medicine fails you for whatever reason, alternative therapies can offer you hope.

If you are stressed, you can get a massage. If you are in pain, you can try chiropractic care. If you feel bloated, a juice cleanse can work miracles.

From blood chemistry analysis to meditation and tarot, alternative therapies have a wide range of specialties.

Just something to think about the next time you are searching for answers.

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