5 Ways Thinking Like a Child Can Boost Your Happiness and Wellbeing

5 Ways Thinking Like a Child Can Boost Your Happiness and Wellbeing

5 Ways Thinking Like a Child Can Boost Your Happiness and Wellbeing

Have you ever noticed how children seem to have a way of finding joy in even the smallest things? How they can laugh uncontrollably at the silliest of jokes or spend hours playing with a cardboard box?
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As we grow older, we tend to lose that childlike wonder and sense of playfulness. We become bogged down by responsibilities, stress, and worries. 

What if we could tap into that childlike mindset and find a way to be happier? Here are a 5 ways that thinking like a child could make you happier.

1. Embrace Your Curiosity

Children are naturally curious and always asking questions. They want to know how things work, why the sky is blue, and what happens when you mix vinegar and baking soda. 

As we grow older, we tend to lose that sense of curiosity and stop asking questions. But embracing your curiosity can lead to new discoveries, experiences, and even happiness. 

Take a new class, explore a new hobby, or simply ask someone a question about their life.

2. Play More

When was the last time you played? I don't mean going to the gym or playing a sport, but playing like a child. 

Running around, jumping on a trampoline, or playing a game of tag. Play can be incredibly beneficial for adults too. 

It helps to reduce stress, improve creativity, and can even improve your relationships with others. So, next time you have the chance, embrace your inner child and play!

3. Be Present

Children are experts at living in the moment. They don't worry about the past or the future, they just enjoy the present. 

As adults, we tend to get caught up in our worries and stresses, which can take away from our enjoyment of the present moment. 

By being present, we can find more joy in the small things, such as the smell of fresh flowers or the taste of a delicious meal.

4. Laugh More

Children laugh, on average, 300 times a day. As adults, we're lucky if we get in a few chuckles. 

Laughter has been shown to reduce stress, boost your immune system, and release feel-good endorphins. 

So, watch a funny movie, tell a silly joke, or spend time with someone who always makes you laugh.

5. Let Go of Your Inhibitions

Children are not self-conscious. They dance like no one is watching, sing at the top of their lungs, and wear whatever makes them happy. 

As we grow older, we become more self-conscious and worry about what others might think of us. But letting go of your inhibitions can be incredibly liberating. 

Try something new, wear something that makes you feel confident, or dance like no one is watching.


It's important to remember that thinking like a child doesn't mean being immature or irresponsible. Instead, it means embracing a mindset of curiosity, playfulness, and joy. 

By embracing our inner child, we can find happiness in the small things, let go of stress and worry, and rediscover a sense of wonder about the world.

Whether it's through embracing our curiosity, playing more, being present, laughing more, or letting go of our inhibitions, there are many ways that we can tap into that childlike mindset and find more happiness in our lives. 

It's important to remember that we don't have to completely abandon our responsibilities or mature mindset, but by incorporating some of these childlike qualities into our daily lives, we can improve our overall wellbeing and find more joy in our daily experiences.

So, the next time you're feeling overwhelmed or stressed, try thinking like a child and see where it takes you. Who knows, you might just find a new sense of happiness and joy that you never thought possible.

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