Unlimited Horizons Self Improvement
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Showing posts with label reviews. Show all posts

It’s All “Love and Light,” Right? Forgetting Your Shadow is Like Ignoring Half of Yourself

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One of the best ways to learn things is by listening to other people’s stories. When you can really feel someone’s emotions, the memory will stick.

One of the truest statements is, “People rarely remember exactly what happened, but they sure remember how it made them feel.”

This just goes to show that feelings and emotions are the staying-powers for our brains. Storytelling is a great way to learn from other people’s experiences without actually having to experience them for yourself.

If you’ve done any kind of research on spirituality, you’ll find a pattern. Most deeply spiritual people have some kind of “dark” past that they had to go through in order to reach the spiritual maturity that they are now in.

Miracle Brain System Review

When you think about self help, the first couple of names that comes to mind would probably be Tony Robbins and Jim Rohn. Chris D’Cruz is not exactly a new name in the industry, but it’s easy to overlook the guy. 

Which is a shame, because he’s come up with some of the best products I’ve had the privilege to review in recent years.

The creator of Universal Life Secrets - one of the more compelling self-help programs I’ve seen in a while - is back with yet another program, this time one that promises to enhance your brain so that you can perform “miracles” in your life. 

Sounds ambitious, doesn’t it?

I’ll admit, I was a little sceptical at first. But since Chris wowed me with his previous product, I gave his latest product, Miracle Brain System, a try.

(Of course, the 60 day money back triple guarantee he offered was reassuring as well.)


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