August 2021

Why Negativity Is Contagious

Why Negativity Is Contagious
Stay away from negative people!
Have you ever wondered about how after spending time around an unmotivated, unhappy person, you can become unmotivated and unhappy yourself? 

If so, this short post should help you understand a little more about unhappy people’s nature and why it’s so important to stay away from people who are always seeing the worst in everything.

The Unlimited Nature of Abundance

The Unlimited Nature of Abundance
Fancy liberating that undiscovered brilliance trapped inside you?
Let the Manifestation Miracle work for you

Did you know that one of the most important things that separates people who are highly successful from those who aren’t is a mindset based on abundance instead of on scarcity?

Just think about how much easier it is to be confident and to be immune to things like the fear of failure or poverty if you honestly believe that there is an endless supply of the things you want.

So, how do you create this kind of mindset and develop the confidence required to be successful and achieve your peak potential? It begins with understanding the unlimited nature of abundance ...

The 5 Benefits of Green Tea

Hot or iced, green tea can restore your skin, improve your youthful glow, and even help your body fight off cancer. It can recharge your health, wellness and mind/body balance and help you fight obesity, diabetes and even heart disease. 

What can’t this super-beverage do? Very little in fact. 

The Japanese and Chinese have used green tea for centuries. It was a soothing ailment for chronic illness, as well as a cultural activity throughout their day. 

Everyone socialised, worked and played while enjoying this powerful, antioxidant-rich elixir. Think about how differently you would feel if every time you reached for a cup of coffee or sugary soda, you swapped it out for a cup of green tea instead? 

It may seem like a minor difference, but switching what you put in your mug can be life changing. Green tea can prevent disease, calm nervousness and even reverse obesity!

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