7 Ways to Reduce Stress in Your Life

7 Ways to Reduce Stress in Your Life

7 Ways to Reduce Stress in Your Life
Your free personalised path to ultimate life success

Did you know that too much stress can cause problems with your metabolism, which can have a dramatic effect on your physical and emotional health ... and your longevity? 

Most of us hate having excess stress in our life ... but how often do we really think about the fact that stress could kill us? 

If this concerns you and you’re looking for a strategy for eliminating 90% of the stress from your life, then this might be one of the most important articles you’ll ever read. Here are seven strategies that you can use to reduce the stress in your life.

1. Follow a “Low-Media Diet” 

It’s no mystery to anyone that most information that comes from the media is negative and causes fear and worry. Yes, it’s good to stay connected to the outside world ... but the media filter a lot of the information they deliver according to what sells. 

Since bad news sells better than good, too much influence from the media is exposing you to a negative worldview that isn’t reality.

2. Eliminate Toxic Relationships 

Your relationships probably have the most profound influence on the quality of your life, and toxic relationships can be a source of extreme stress. 

If you have people in your life who are obnoxious, controlling, disrespectful or unnecessarily intimidating, either get them out of your life or start drawing some strict boundaries with them to remove their influence from your life. 

3. Get a “Rainy Day Fund” 

Financial worries can rob you of your happiness and security quicker than almost anything else. Start setting aside 10 or 20% of what you make for the sake of building up a “rainy day fund.” 

You’ve probably heard that it’s wise to save money for a rainy day ... meaning for any emergencies that might come into your life. Having three or four months of expenses set aside will make it much easier for you to deal with financial and job stress. 

4. Proper Nutrition 

Poor nutrition hinders the body’s ability to cope with stress. Make a commitment to cut unhealthy fats and preservatives out of your diet and to keep sugar and sodium consumption to a minimum. 

Then, begin replacing these with foods which are natural and which have a positive impact on your metabolism such as fresh fruit, vegetables and oily fish. This will make it much easier for your body to deal with physical and emotional stress. 

5. Physical Activity 

The level of your physical activity also determines your body’s ability to cope with stress. Research reveals that consistent, balanced exercise, such as cardiovascular three times a week and two or three strength training sessions a week, builds up your body’s resistance to stress - both physical and emotional. 

A good exercise routine also helps your body to get restful sleep and helps you to focus for longer periods of time. 

6. Meditation 

Meditation is the best way to cleanse your mind, and it helps eliminate obsessive thoughts which worry you unnecessarily. Meditation also gives you an opportunity to focus your attention on developing practical plans of action for getting what you want and for creative problem-solving. 

You don’t even need to meditate 30 minutes to an hour a day. Start with 10 or 15 minutes and practice until it becomes a habit. 

7. Get a Pet

This is especially good advice if you are single, but studies also show that couples who have pets have a better chance of having a healthy relationship. Pets add a great deal of joy to your life because their love is unconditional and they are always there when you need them. 

Having a pet also gives you a greater sense of purpose in your life because you have something counting on you for survival. 

TIP: Print this page out and work on each of these seven steps one at a time until you have eliminated these sources of stress from your life. 
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