Unlimited Horizons Self Improvement
Showing posts with label sleep. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sleep. Show all posts

How to Use Aromatherapy to Heal Your Mind and Body

How to Use Aromatherapy to Heal Your Mind and Body
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Aromatherapy is an alternative therapy that uses plant materials and aromatic compounds, otherwise known as essential oils, to provide therapeutic benefit. These oils and compounds can help improve mood, cognitive functioning and help you relax.

The theory behind aromatherapy is that they say some essential oils have healing effects. Some evidence supports the hypothesis that essential oils have therapeutic potential. Our noses are powerful, you’ve probably found that scent can trigger all kinds of emotions e.g. nostalgia. A simple whiff of a smell you remember from childhood can transport you instantly back to that time!

5 Tips to Understanding Your Dreams

5 Tips to Understanding Your Dreams
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Dreams can help you clarify your thoughts and emotions, help you solve problems and unlock your innermost thoughts and desires. 

Many people are fascinated by dreams. I know I am so I wanted to find out more about them. I dream vividly most nights, I remember some of them come the morning but I know I’m forgetting lots of them too.

There are many different schools of thought as to what dreams’ purpose actually is. Scientists describe dreams as a mix of physiology, neurobiology, cognition and information processing.

On the other hand, some describe dreams as no more than a spontaneous, self-activation of the brain during sleep. So who is right?

PERFECT DEEP SLEEP Talkdown with Delta Wave Isochronic Tones & Binaural Beats

Experience the perfect deep sleep with this carefully designed sleep talk down containing Isochronic Tones & Binaural Beats, starting off in the Theta band and gently lulling you down into the Delta wave zone where the deepest sleep can be achieved.

Are You Always Waking Up on The Wrong Side of Bed?

Call it waking up on the wrong side of the bed. Call it not being a morning person. Call it Monday.

You might think there’s nothing you can do about waking up in a bad mood, but a pre-sleep ritual can make all the difference.

Keep reading to learn more about creating your own, unique ritual using relaxation and affirmations before sleep.

7 Ways to Find Peace in a Chaotic World

7 Ways to Find Peace in a Chaotic World
Reveal Your Personality Code For Free
Many people find that their lives are so chock-full of activity and madness that they don’t have one spare moment to themselves.

We often fill our days with endless chatter, noise and activity, and we find that we don’t leave ourselves any time to turn off and tune out.

Living in a chaotic world can be very stressful, so finding peace is vital if we want to manage our stress levels.

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