Unlimited Horizons Self Improvement

Budget Like a Rich Person

Budget Like a Rich Person
For an easy-to-follow guide to dramatically improving your
life and gaining wealth, check out Total Money Magnetism.

Are you spending money like a wealthy person? If not, you might think: “I can’t spend money like a wealthy person, I don’t have enough.” 

If so, this statement might reveal a clue why you’re not wealthy yet. Most of the time, we think about being wealthy and have a long list of things that we want to buy when (or if) we become wealthy. 

We view wealth as an opportunity to buy anything that we want: a new car, a nice house, a wardrobe that costs the same as most people’s mortgages, so on and so on. However, this isn’t how wealthy people spend money—this is how broke people spend money.

If you ever want to become wealthy, you must start by learning how to spend the money that you already have. 

Thinking Yourself Rich - Does It Work?

Thinking Yourself Rich - Does It Work?

Can you think yourself rich? If so, how do you go about it? To answer this question, you must first determine what your subconscious thoughts are regarding money.

Your thoughts create your reality. Money itself has no power; it is neither good nor bad. Your thoughts and ideals about money determine your beliefs about money. 

If you grew up struggling with money and thinking money was the root of all evil, then you probably still think that at some level. Many of us get so caught up in the stress and strife of life that we end up repelling money because we spend much of our time focusing on all of our problems.

10 Relationship Headaches and How to Fix Them

10 Relationship Headaches and How to Fix Them
Are you missing out on the love, passion, and connection that
you deserve? Take this 60 second quiz and find out!

Do you have what you believe would be a perfect relationship if it weren’t for a few nagging little problems?

If so, let’s see if these 10 solutions to common relationship headaches are what you need to turn things around.

The Power of Affirmations: How to Talk to Yourself

The Power of Affirmations: How to Talk to Yourself
News that everyone is buzzing about. It might just
be the secret you are looking for to change your life.

Have you ever considered just how important your self-talk really is for your personal growth and self-confidence? If not, just imagine what kind of influence your friends have on you when they talk to you ... or how much your parents had when you were growing up.

Now imagine this: You’re around yourself more often than anyone else on this planet. That ought to give you an idea of just how important it is to use empowering words when you speak to yourself. 

This takes practice, though, and if you aren’t really choosing your self-talk, you’ve probably developed some bad habits. The following “affirmation workout” will help you undo these habits and form empowering and inspiring self-talk.

What’s the Truth about the “Self-Help” Industry?

What’s the Truth about the “Self-Help” Industry?
FREE e-Book! Discover How To
Master The Law Of Attraction Effectively In Your Life

 Are you bombarded with so many self-help techniques you don’t know where to start? It is easy to get caught up in the excitement and drama of the self-help industry because they all promise to help you reinvent your life. 

Much like email marketing, most self-help genres promise big things. There are a lot of legitimate caring people in the self-help industry that can really help you make some amazing changes in your life. 

However, there are also just as many scam artists trying to sell you a product or an idea that can change your life. It is easy to get sucked into empty promises that end up costing you a lot of money. 

People spend big money on self-help products, and women are the main target audience. Americans spend over 11 billion dollars annually in the self-help industry, a lot of money. 

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