10 Relationship Headaches and How to Fix Them

10 Relationship Headaches and How to Fix Them

10 Relationship Headaches and How to Fix Them
Are you missing out on the love, passion, and connection that
you deserve? Take this 60 second quiz and find out!

Do you have what you believe would be a perfect relationship if it weren’t for a few nagging little problems?

If so, let’s see if these 10 solutions to common relationship headaches are what you need to turn things around.

1. Low Trust

Low trust is the most frustrating thing to deal with in a relationship because it brings everything else into question. 

Fortunately, low trust is also easy to fix if you take on a proactive mindset by clarifying expectations up front and keeping open lines of honest communication. 

2. Neediness 

Few things are more frustrating than the feeling that your partner is suffocating you with neediness. 

If this is the case, step back and ask yourself where you need to draw physical and emotional boundaries. 

You might even realise that not drawing boundaries is opening the door for your partner to suffocate you. 

3. Boundary Issues 

No matter how close your relationship is, it’s important that you have a clear distinction of where your personal boundaries are. 

If your partner isn’t respecting your individual right to make choices, to have opinions and to have your own personal space, the best thing to do is make those things clear and stand your ground. 

If you do this, your partner will learn to respect your boundaries. 

4. Social Circle Clashes 

Does your partner have their own social circle that you can’t stand? If so, it’s important that you don’t try to remove your partner’s friends from his or her life. 

Instead, clarify your feelings towards the friends whom you don’t like and give your partner some space to spend time alone with those people. 

Your partner can then decide which relationship is more important. 

5. Money Problems 

Money problems are probably the biggest cause of relationship headaches and are the cause for most divorces in North America. 

However, you can solve most of your money problems by keeping your finances separate and splitting things 50/50. 

This will help each person maintain a personal sense of responsibility and independence. 

6. Lack of Understanding 

Lack of understanding is at the root of most relationship problems and can lead to a lack of trust, boundary issues and all kinds of other problems. 

The best way to cultivate understanding is to obey relationship expert Dr Steven Covey’s advice: “Seek first to understand, and then to be understood.” If you do this, your partner will most likely reciprocate. 

7. Boredom 

This might sound funny, but boredom often causes infidelity and apathy in a relationship. 

You can cure boredom easily by making a commitment to do things together that you’ve both not done before and be spontaneous. 

A great way to overcome boredom is to commit to a weekly date night and a monthly activity where you try something new together. 

8. Apathy 

Indifference is the kiss of death in any relationship, but it usually comes about because of emotional exhaustion and frustration in trying to “make things work.” 

If apathy has already become a problem in your relationship, the best place to start is by shaking things up and adding some excitement. 

Once you do this, you need to commit immediately to clarifying expectations, drawing boundaries, and cultivating an understanding with your partner. 

9. Sexual Dissatisfaction 

This is a huge deal for men and usually a much bigger deal for women than they allow themselves to express openly. 

It’s important that you never take your sex life for granted and never assume that it completely satisfies your partner. 

Having a healthy sex life requires consistent communication and creativity. 

10. Coldness 

If your partner is being cold to you, it's natural to become defensive and on guard with your feelings. 

However, the cause of coldness is often a feeling of being misunderstood. This is a time to practise the art of seeking first to understand, and then to be understood (good old Dr Covey… ).

The more understood your partner feels, the more he or she will open up and warm up to you again. 

Now you have some tools to deal with 10 of the most potentially difficult problems in relationships. 

Are you missing out on the love, passion, and connection that you deserve? Take this 60 second quiz and find out!

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