Unlimited Horizons Self Improvement

7 Easy Steps to Overcome Shyness

7 Easy Steps to Overcome Shyness
It's Time to Get Out There!
Are you suffering under the burden of shyness and wondering if there’s a way for you to break out of your shell and become a more confident and assertive person?

If so, you’ll be excited to know that we’ve collected seven fool proof tips for overcoming shyness, which you can practise right now.

3 Things You Never Knew About the Law of Attraction

3 Things You Never Knew About the Law of Attraction

While just about everyone has probably heard about the law of attraction, there are a few things you may not be aware of.

Whether you study and follow the law of attraction or not, one thing is for sure, it is already at work in your life, whether you are consciously aware of it or not.

The theory is that you attract into your life whatever it is you happen to be focused on, so if you are not happy with the things or the people in your life, guess what? You invited them!

“12 Truths” - Anne Lamott Video

Anne Lamott is an American novelist and non-fiction writer. She is also a progressive political activist, public speaker, and writing teacher and a person in long term recovery from Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD). Her nonfiction works are largely autobiographical. Wikipedia

Anne Lamott recorded a Ted Talk about the 12 Truths that she knows for sure, or almost for sure.
Here is the short list:

3 Energy-Boosting Meditation Tips

3 Energy-Boosting Meditation Tips
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These days, who doesn’t want to boost their energy? By the end of the day most people feel wiped out, and after fulfilling their responsibilities, tasks, pending deadlines and family obligations, they don’t have enough oomph left to take care of themselves! 

Has self-care gone to the back burner of your life, replaced by rushing from work to home and back again? Do you fuel up on energy drinks and sugar-infused lattes after a lacklustre breakfast and lunch? 

I’m going to discuss the three ways that a daily meditation practice can help you to not just boost your energy, but knock it out of the ballpark! When you learn these natural ways to enhance your alertness and productivity, you may just be able to kick your caffeine addiction altogether and finally fight off that urge to fall asleep on the couch while watching TV. 

If you are tired of being tired, read these three meditation tips to fight your fatigue and increase alertness throughout each day.

Why Negativity Is Contagious

Why Negativity Is Contagious
Stay away from negative people!
Have you ever wondered about how after spending time around an unmotivated, unhappy person, you can become unmotivated and unhappy yourself? 

If so, this short post should help you understand a little more about unhappy people’s nature and why it’s so important to stay away from people who are always seeing the worst in everything.

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