Unlimited Horizons Self Improvement
Showing posts with label personal growth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label personal growth. Show all posts

Can You Improve Your Life By Trusting Your Instinct?

Can You Improve Your Life By Trusting Your Instinct?
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How do you improve your life? There is a common cliché we've all heard that says, 'follow your heart' and there is also another mantra that says, 'follow your heart, but take your brains with you.'

But which one is the best path to take?

When you think from an intellectual perspective, you reason rationally or logically (brain). On the other hand, when you think from an intuitive perspective you reason from your perception or wisdom (gut).

In most cases, thinking intellectually collides with thinking intuitively. However, can you improve your life by completely trusting your gut instead of your brain? Keep reading to find out.

10 Ways to Improve Your Communication with Your Boss

10 Ways to Improve Your Communication with Your Boss
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Being able to effectively communicate with your boss (and having good communication skills in general) is imperative if you want to enjoy a successful career. After all, they hold the keys to things like positive performance reviews and can greatly impact your ability to advance or get that promotion.

Yet, they aren’t just the gatekeeper for getting ahead; keeping your job could also require talking with your boss in a clear, concise manner that is truly heard. While you probably already know the necessity of having good communication skills, actually being able to get through to your boss may be easier said than done.

How You Can Enhance Your Persuasion Power

How You Can Enhance Your Persuasion Power
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In life we are often challenged by those around us. Sometimes we feel as though everyone else is running our lives, forcing us to do what they want us to do. If you are often challenged by those close to you, enhancing your persuasion power is the solution.

By mastering the art of persuasion, you will soon be able to sway others to your way of thinking. By following these tips and tricks, you will soon be on the road to a self-empowered, confident lifestyle.

10 Rules of Golden Communication

10 Rules of Golden Communication
What's going on inside their heads?
Can you guess what the most common characteristic of any successful relationship is? If your answer had anything to do with good communication, you’re spot on. Communication is important for sustaining not only a healthy relationship but also a healthy community and even a nation!

In fact, one of the first things that enemies seek to do to one another as soon as a war starts is to break down the other side’s communication centres. Without effective communication, any relationship, community or even nation will end. 

So let’s look at 10 golden rules of communication that you can use to build better relationships in your life.

10 Lessons from the "Red Paperclip Guy"

10 Lessons from the "Red Paperclip Guy"
Build success: Personalised numerology report
Have you ever felt like you couldn’t do something that you wanted to do because you lacked the resources? 

If so, you are about to learn 10 vital lessons about resourcefulness from the “Red Paperclip Guy.” 

But first, let’s talk about how he got this odd nickname.

The Power of Affirmations: How to Talk to Yourself

The Power of Affirmations: How to Talk to Yourself
News that everyone is buzzing about. It might just
be the secret you are looking for to change your life.

Have you ever considered just how important your self-talk really is for your personal growth and self-confidence? If not, just imagine what kind of influence your friends have on you when they talk to you ... or how much your parents had when you were growing up.

Now imagine this: You’re around yourself more often than anyone else on this planet. That ought to give you an idea of just how important it is to use empowering words when you speak to yourself. 

This takes practice, though, and if you aren’t really choosing your self-talk, you’ve probably developed some bad habits. The following “affirmation workout” will help you undo these habits and form empowering and inspiring self-talk.

How to Disagree without Arguing

How to Disagree without Arguing
Do you want to reduce friction and negativity in your life?
Use the powerful and ancient art of numerology.
Get a free personalised numerology report now.

People you interact with in life will disagree with you on at least a few things.

However, you probably also learned that it’s important to assert your own position without getting ensnared in a petty argument.

If you’re curious about the best way to disagree with someone without harming the relationship.

Here are six tips that you can start applying immediately.

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Why You're Not Getting What You Want (And What to Do About It!)

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The kind where you make more in a month than you used to in a year... 

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This secret will literally force the universe to give you all the tools that you need to create financial, emotional and spiritual abundance... 

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Why Willpower Is a Myth and Most Self-Improvement Programs Fail

Did you know that “willpower” is a myth and over 90 percent of self-improvement programs fail?

I don’t care whether you don’t believe that because it is 100 percent true.

Now that you’ve picked your jaw up off the floor, let me teach you what you need to do to bypass your mind’s critical flaw and become unstoppable in all aspects of your life.

Dr Robert Anthony comes to the rescue once again with a fantastic and very intensive 45-minute audio session that will teach you:

  • Exactly how to silence your “inner gatekeeper” 
  • How to use instant self-hypnosis to change your life blueprint
  • Why trying to change using willpower just doesn’t work 

Go here for your free instant self-hypnosis audio now: Instant Self Hypnosis

Top 5 Secrets True Leaders Use For Overcoming Adversity

Top 5 Secrets True Leaders Use For Overcoming Adversity
Are you a true leader? You'll find out
by knowing your numbers here.
Dealing with adversity in life is never easy, and leaders often have a harder path than others. As a leader, not only do you have to deal with the challenges that everyone faces as they travel the path of life - you'll also have others looking to you as an example while you do so.

This means you'll need to handle these hardships with grace under pressure, to continue inspiring those who rely upon your strength and vision.

Fortunately, the top 5 secrets true leaders use for overcoming adversity can help you. So let's take a closer look at these below.

12 Life Lessons Everyone Must Learn

12 Life Lessons Everyone Must Learn
Ever wondered that there is much more to learn about life than what you were taught in school? If so, you'll find the following 12 life lessons to be some of the most important you've ever learned.

In fact, after you're finished reading these, it might be a good idea to save this article somewhere on your computer or print it and read it every day.

1. Paying Cash Is Better Than Borrowing

The purpose of credit and borrowing money is to make a profit for the lender.

Every time that you borrow money to buy something, you're agreeing to pay more money for it later so that someone else can make a profit.

Therefore, it's best to buy what you want with cash and to save the extra money for helping yourself instead of someone else.

2. Your Health Is Your Life

You only have one body and it has to last you for the rest of your life. Therefore, your life and your health are directly linked and you should guard your personal health with your life.

This means refusing to give in to the temptation to eat junk or to live an inactive lifestyle.

Make proper nutrition, consistent, balanced exercise and stress management parts of your lifestyle and you'll have a good, healthy life.

3. You Must Give to Get

One of the major causes of unhappiness is expecting to get something for nothing.

In life, you will receive only according to the quality and quantity with which you give. This is true in your relationships, health, career and financial life.

4. Being Right Does Not Build Relationships

The best way to build empowering relationships with other people is to understand them and to be understood by them.

Getting into disputes, debates or arguments about who is right and who is wrong is a dead end. Focus instead on being compassionate and treating people the way you would like to be treated.

5. Most of Getting What You Want Is Being Bold Enough to Ask

There are two things that keep people from getting what they really want out of life: they either don't know what they want, or they are too afraid to ask for it.

Learn to ask for the things you want. If people say no, you've lost nothing. But if you make it a habit to ask for what you want, you'll be surprised at how often you get it.

6. Fear Can Be Your Best Friend

Fear is not always bad, and sometimes it can be your best friend.

If you're afraid of being in poor health, you'll work a lot harder at keeping yourself healthy. If you're afraid of having someone else (like the government) responsible for your financial life, you'll work harder to build your financial safety net.

In fact, the only time that fear becomes bad is when it keeps you from doing something you really want to do.

7. Knowledge Is Only Power When It's Used

Some of the smartest people in this world never use their knowledge and therefore never benefit from it. However, when knowledge is applied it becomes active and powerful. It also increases your learning because you begin to learn from experience. When you learn something useful, put it to use as soon as possible.

8. There Are Seasons in Life

You'll have times in your life when everything seems to be happening at once; you'll also have times when nothing seems to be happening.

Learn to endure the seasons of life by working hard when you have plenty to do, and by saving your financial resources for times when you may not have as much.

Also, learn to use the slower seasons to rest and recharge yourself.

9. Marry Your Best Friend

Looks fade. So does physical attraction and so does the romantic "puppy love." If you want to have a lasting courtship and raise your children as a couple, marry your best friend.

10. Collect Memories

Keep a journal, take pictures and keep them somewhere safe. Someday you'll be very glad that you did, and so will the generations after you.

11. Choose a Career That Makes You Happy

Life is too short to be unhappy with what you're doing 40 to 50 hours a week. Not to mention that unhappiness in your career will filter into other areas of your life.

Choose a job that you love, and you'll never have to work another day ... and you'll get paid for it. Not a bad deal.

12. Higher Standards Mean Higher Rewards

Having high expectations for your health, your relationships, your career and your financial life might mean you'll have to work harder. It might also mean you'll be disappointed more often.

However, the rewards that it will bring in strength of character and in success will far outweigh any price you had to pay. Keep your standards high, and don't settle for less than what you really want.

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Self Help Books You Can't Live Without

One of the most important dimensions of good personal growth is feeding your mind with positive educational material.

Here are four of the most power-packed self-help books I've ever read.

I recommend that you get a hold of all of them and make a lifetime commitment to reading and studying them.

I say this because every time you read each of these books, you'll discover a new piece of wisdom and notice a change in your character, actions and results.

"Success Principles" by Jack Canfield

the success principles jack canfield

"Success Principles" is like the Encyclopedia Britannica of personal development. Every dynamic of personal growth is covered in great detail within this book.

This makes it a perfect reference when you're looking for a detailed and in-depth explanation of success principles, from those spiritual in nature to those which are more down-to-earth and practical.

Reading this book straight through might not be as beneficial as using it as a reference tool.

However, if you're looking for something which covers it all in as much detail as possible, or if you're looking for fresh ideas to accelerate your personal growth, "Success Principles" is the perfect resource.

 2. "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill

think and grow rich napoleon hill

"Think and Grow Rich" is the result of the most detailed and diverse study of successful people in history.

The author, Napoleon Hill, spent over a half a century studying people like Thomas Edison, Dale Carnegie, Henry Ford, JD Rockefeller and dozens of others.

"Think and Grow Rich" is also believed to be responsible for the making of more millionaires than any other book in history.

It covers 13 progressive principles which, if applied and practised consistently, can do more than help you to get what you really want. They can empower you to make lasting changes in your own character which will empower you to naturally attract success and keep it.

"Think and Grow Rich" (which was written in the 20's and sold over one million copies BEFORE the end of the Great Depression) is also available in a 20th-century version, which includes updated language and dozens of examples from entrepreneurs who have used the 13 principles successfully.

 3. "The 8th Habit" by Dr. Steven Covey

The 8th Habit by Dr. Steven Covey

"The 8th Habit," by the master leadership expert Dr. Steven Covey, is like "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People" on steroids.

Covey provides the most clear-cut and compelling reasons why leadership in the information age will require a completely different approach than that of the industrial age.

If you're in search of the most complete solution for affecting personal change, making a positive influence on others and fulfilling your life's purpose as a leader, "The 8th Habit" is second to none.

While "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People" is a great read as well, you can get all of the benefits of the seven habits and so much more by purchasing "The 8th Habit" and making a lifetime commitment to devouring the materials in it.

 4. "The 4-hour Workweek" by Timothy Ferris

The 4-hour Workweek by Timothy Ferris

"The 4-hour Workweek" is the perfect companion to "The 8th Habit" and could easily be considered the manifesto for the entrepreneur of the information age.

Upon first hearing it, it might be tempting to think that the title is "unrealistic."

However, Tim shares his personal story for how he accomplished his own 4-hour work week and creates a step-by-step explanation of how you can do the same thing.

The new and revised version provides a comprehensive and detailed guide for making the escape from the rat race of the "real world" into a life of adventure and fulfilment.

TIP: If you only read four books for the rest of your life, make it these four. Again, it's important to read them more than once, and that you continue to use them to make positive changes in your personal growth.

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