Unlimited Horizons Self Improvement

7 Ways to Overcome Pain with Reiki

7 Ways to Overcome Pain with Reiki
Click here to learn how to become a Reiki healing master.

Pain: We have all experienced it. If you could use an easy-to-learn technique to rid yourself of it - and do it in the comfort and privacy of your own home - why wouldn’t you try it out? 

Well, there is a way, and it’s called Reiki healing. This energy-based method can help you overcome physical, mental, emotional, and even spiritual pain. 

In Reiki, you physically place your hands on or over some part of your body and mentally send healing energy to that area. Everyone can perform Reiki; you channel energy through your hands to heal the painful area. 

This energy is around us all the time. The Reiki healer just provides a pathway for that energy to provide healing. 

5 Tips to Understanding Your Dreams

5 Tips to Understanding Your Dreams
Grab Your FREE Manifestation Breakthrough Kit

Dreams can help you clarify your thoughts and emotions, help you solve problems and unlock your innermost thoughts and desires. 

Many people are fascinated by dreams. I know I am so I wanted to find out more about them. I dream vividly most nights, I remember some of them come the morning but I know I’m forgetting lots of them too.

There are many different schools of thought as to what dreams’ purpose actually is. Scientists describe dreams as a mix of physiology, neurobiology, cognition and information processing.

On the other hand, some describe dreams as no more than a spontaneous, self-activation of the brain during sleep. So who is right?

Is it Really Possible to Forgive and Forget?

Is it Really Possible to Forgive and Forget?
100% FREE Meditation MP3 Audio Tracks - JUST RELEASED

Forgiveness may be the last thing on your mind after someone has wronged you. It is so much easier to wallow in hate, anger and nurture thoughts of revenge than to dust yourself up and learn to forgive.

Especially if the offender is not asking for forgiveness. It might even feel good or contribute to your identity being the one hurt. Forming a major part of who you are and telling everybody all about it.

It can feel satisfyingly self-righteous! However, refusal to forgive and harbouring bitter resentment will only do more harm than good, especially in the long term.

6 Sure Steps to Build Real Wealth

6 Sure Steps to Building Real Wealth
Want to attract more wealth to your life? Click here to know how

I’m going to tell you about six sure steps to build real wealth. These are the same strategies that the wealthiest people in North America use to build their personal fortunes.

How to Become an Inspiration to Your Peers

How to Become an Inspiration to Your Peers
Want to Lead an Inspiring Life?
How amazing would it be if you were an inspiration to friends and loved ones? Just imagine what people would say about you if you were such an inspiration, both today and after your passing. 

But what’s the secret to becoming a force of positive inspiration to the people around you? Let’s look at the most important factors to inspiring others, and then we’ll talk about a plan of action for making them work in your life.

5 Harmful Myths About Alternative Beliefs

5 Harmful Myths About Alternative Beliefs Revealed
Discover The Number One Reason Why You’re Banging Your Head Against a Wall
Alternative therapies and beliefs are misunderstood in so many ways. Some people refer to them as 'New Age Junk' merely because they go against conventional beliefs. 

There are many myths when it comes to alternative beliefs, so I would like to clarify some of those now.

3 Ways to Develop Mind Consciousness

3 Ways to Develop Mind Consciousness
Get instant access to your FREE Number Messages Handbook.

Is there incessant chatter in your head? Do you feel like the mind will just not settle down, endlessly rolling from thought to thought, but none of the thinking is useful? 

Becoming conscious of your mind can help you access its power. Becoming conscious of the mind is one of the great abilities of the human brain.

Being aware of the thinking process, rather than reacting instinctively, is a remarkable skill. It has made our culture possible, but it also has its limits. The conscious mind is like a video camera that records everything.

Even things that you don’t really notice, your consciousness is taking it all in, every detail. It receives this information and determines whether it is useful for you. 

Things like finding food, protecting yourself from danger and seeking shelter are all things that the conscious mind helps you do.

How to Live in The Present (Video)

This brilliant little video at the bottom of the post focuses on how to live in the present. Something many people find impossible to do with their minds constantly tuned into either the past, or the future.

Experiencing satisfaction and happiness has a lot to do with living in the here and now, something the human brain has trouble working out. The brain is a work of wonder, but it operates in the limitless zone; rarely tying itself to the here and now.

>>>Watch this important video that will show you the hidden power of numerology in your life.
After watching the video, you will get the chance to download your very own customised numerology report.<<<

In evolutionary terms, it was useful to calculate probabilities and the unpredictable, as it enabled early humans to survive and manipulate their environment for sustenance and safety. For example, running away from bears!

In modern times though, this ability can sometimes prove unhelpful and debilitating. With the fretting that can go on in our heads about deeds done in the past or futures unwritten.

It comes courtesy of www.theschooloflife.com. It’s a good watch, only 4 minutes long and very insightful.

Watch this important video that will show you the hidden power of numerology in your life.
After watching the video, you will get the chance to download your very own customised numerology report.

Career Headed Down the Drain? It's Time to Visualise Success

Career Headed Down the Drain? It's Time to Visualize Success
Live your dream lifestyle by achieving personal & career goals?
As it goes in a relationship, your career isn’t without some difficulties. It’s natural, and it’s even necessary to become motivated, raise the bar to your own success and professional progress and find new and improved ways of fine-tuning your craft. 

However, when you feel as if your career is at a dead end and it’s left you no option but to feel unworthy of a promotion or unsatisfied in your personal and professional progress, now is the time to act, not hesitate. 

7 Reasons You're Struggling to Get Ahead in Life

7 Reasons You're Struggling to Get Ahead in Life
Get your free personal numerology reading to get ahead in life

Are you struggling to get ahead in life but go nowhere fast? Perhaps you need a new strategy. 

Some say that the definition of insanity is when you keep doing the same thing but expect a different result. Many of us are probably insane if we believe in this theory. 

To manifest change, start thinking differently. If your current solution is not working, you may need a fresh approach. 

You might even need new goals and new dreams. If you are struggling to get ahead, there might be many reasons. Let’s look at 7 of these now.

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