Unlimited Horizons Self Improvement

10 Solutions for Your Biggest Career Stressors

10 Solutions for Your Biggest Career Stressors
FREE Manifestation Breakthrough Kit Here
Whether we love or hate our jobs, most of us will have to deal with some amount of stress during the work week.

While we often don't have control over the things causing the stress, your career development needn't suffer as we do have control over the ways we handle and react to stressors.

Below, I'm sharing ten helpful tips to keep you calm, productive, and healthy at work.

I had a black dog, his name was depression

At its worst, depression can be a frightening, debilitating condition. Millions of people around the world live with depression. Many of these individuals and their families are afraid to talk about their struggles, and don't know where to turn for help. 

However, depression is largely preventable and treatable. Recognising depression and seeking help is the first and most critical towards recovery.
In collaboration with WHO to mark World Mental Health Day, writer and illustrator Matthew Johnstone tells the story of overcoming the "black dog of depression"

Please watch the whole video, during it you'll see links to other resources. It is brilliant!

More information on the book can be found here.

How to Get EXACTLY What You Want

How to Get EXACTLY What You Want
Get The Law of Attraction to work almost instantly
Have you ever considered the fact that there might be a way to get exactly what you want out of life no matter how big it is? 

If so, it should encourage you that there is a six-step process that you can use to accomplish the deepest desire of your heart - and this is something which you can get started on today. 

The following six-step process is based on Napoleon Hill (author of the classic “Think and Grow Rich”) recommended for getting what you want. 

It might also interest you to know that the famed inventor and business person Thomas Edison approved of this process and since then, has contributed to the creation of more millionaires than almost any other method in history...

PERFECT DEEP SLEEP Talkdown with Delta Wave Isochronic Tones & Binaural Beats

Experience the perfect deep sleep with this carefully designed sleep talk down containing Isochronic Tones & Binaural Beats, starting off in the Theta band and gently lulling you down into the Delta wave zone where the deepest sleep can be achieved.

Debunked: Finding Your Spiritual "Sweet Spot"

Debunked: Finding Your Spiritual "Sweet Spot"
Watch this to reveal the hidden power of numerology
Are you looking for that spiritual “sweet spot”? 

Many of us are. Finding your sweet spot means finding that moment when you feel connected, validated, acknowledged, and honoured for exactly who you are. 

It also means that you feel spiritually alive and connected to some kind of higher power. Everyone has a different sweet spot because we all have different goals and dreams. 

To find your spiritual sweet spot, you must dig down deep inside your soul. You must try many things to see which one resonates with you.

Mindfulness Meditation - Guided 10 Minutes

Mindfulness has been shown to be very beneficial. In this guided mindfulness meditation you can learn to be completely present in the moment, letting go of your thoughts and achieving calmness.

Mindfulness: Meditation - Mindfulness Of Body And Breath

Mindfulness: A practical guide to finding peace in a frantic world
Play Now
A guided meditation to complement the learnings found in Prof Mark William's and Dr Danny Penman's guide to freeing yourself from the stresses of everyday life.

Free Quiz: What's Your Purpose In Life?

'If This Time' Meditation

Learn here how Numerology helps you with challenges and lessons you’re meant to learn in this life.

Prose written and voiced by Kevin McCormack, Meditation & Mindfulness Teacher, Writer and Actor.

'If This Time' carries a message of Gratitude and Hope, and was composed in May of 2020 during Covid-19 lockdown.

The 6 Phase Guided Meditation

The 6 Phase Meditation, created by Vishen Lakhiani, is a daily affirmation for manifesting abundance in every aspect of your life.
Vishen says:
"When I was 14, I discovered meditation and since then I've made it a part of my life. In fact, when I lived in New York, I was a meditation instructor for 5 years. 
Now that I've been working in personal growth and spirituality for over a decade, I've had the chance to experiment with a wide variety of meditation techniques, creative visualisations, and mind exercises
This one is a very personal 6-phase dynamic meditation technique that I developed myself and use on a daily basis. I shared this with friends and family and they all loved it."

The 6 Phases

  • Connection
  • Gratitude
  • Freedom from negative charges
  • Creative visualisation
  • Intentions for the day
  • Blessing
Remember that yoga can combine with other forms of meditation for incredible, life-changing results. Learn the secrets of meditation here.

Get Your Perzonalized Numerology Report Now
