Unlimited Horizons Self Improvement
Showing posts with label law of attraction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label law of attraction. Show all posts

The Concise Guide to Attracting Everything You Desire - in ABUNDANCE

The Concise Guide to Attracting Everything You Desire - in ABUNDANCE
Go Get It!
Are you stuck in a dead-end job or not fulfilled in your relationship? What if you could change your life just by changing your thinking? 

Using the principles of the Law of Attraction can help you go from wanting or needing more love or money to having and enjoying it. Anyone can adopt these simple ways of thinking to create the life of their dreams.

Scientific Evidence of the Power of Visualisation

Scientific Evidence of the Power of Visualisation
Get started by creating your own
Mind Movie

Visualisation is a powerful technique for harnessing the Law of Attraction to realise your dreams. You’ve probably already heard a lot about how powerful creative visualisation is in helping you to attract what you want. 

Is there any scientific evidence behind all of this visualisation stuff, though? If you’ve been wondering or even been sceptical about this, then this article has the answers you’re looking for. 

How to Get EXACTLY What You Want

How to Get EXACTLY What You Want
Get The Law of Attraction to work almost instantly
Have you ever considered the fact that there might be a way to get exactly what you want out of life no matter how big it is? 

If so, it should encourage you that there is a six-step process that you can use to accomplish the deepest desire of your heart - and this is something which you can get started on today. 

The following six-step process is based on Napoleon Hill (author of the classic “Think and Grow Rich”) recommended for getting what you want. 

It might also interest you to know that the famed inventor and business person Thomas Edison approved of this process and since then, has contributed to the creation of more millionaires than almost any other method in history...

The Truth About Vision Boards and Prosperity Consciousness

So, what’s stopping you from turning that brave, bigger-than-life dream into a reality? Here’s a fact about your prosperous life: It’s as real as the thoughts you think about, and when you can truly believe in it and in all the prosperity it holds, you will manifest it. 

If you daydream about having a relationship, a lifestyle or an income that you don’t have, and after daydreaming about it, you think thoughts such as, “That will never happen to me,” or “I’ll always be broke,” guess what? You’ll continue to manifest a representation of those thoughts - for good or bad. 

Do you feel as if you don’t deserve a bigger and better life? If so, then that’s exactly what the universe will send you, repeatedly.

Uplifting Quotes For The Unsettled Soul

Uplifting Quotes For The Unsettled Soul
Get Your FREE Manifestation Breakthrough Kit

Here are a selection of uplifting quotes to sooth and raise your spirits. It's an understatement to say that life can be full of trials and tribulations at times.

These quotes can be a companion and a combatant against the cynicism and pain we all experience at the mercy of the world from time to time.

10 Steps to Attract the Life You Want

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If I told you that you could create the exact circumstances you want, would you call me crazy? What if your very thoughts could create ripples of change that not only impact your life…

… but those around you as well?

Philip, a call centre worker from the Philippines, didn’t think so. He dreamed of moving overseas so he could secure a better life and provide for his family. But at every turn, his own mind shut down every opportunity he thought of.

Learn This, and Your Life Will Change Forever!

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I’d like you to imagine a garden.
In this garden, the soil is always rich in nutrients and what you plant, it will grow. There is rain and sun so you don’t have to worry about anything.
You can plant anything. There are no restrictions.

Could an Energetic Breakthrough Be the Answer to Your Love Woes?

Could an Energetic Breakthrough Be the Answer to Your Love Woes?
Conquer love once and for all
One of the largest issues that couples face in relationships is the inability to communicate, which can quickly lead to separation if left unchecked. 

If you ever feel you and your partner are just passing ships in the night, you need to do more than just talk. True communication with your partner involves your whole energy field. 

We are constantly relating to each other through our energy field and body language. You can always tell if a couple is fighting based on their physical cues. 

Are they facing each other, sitting far apart or sending energy daggers across the room? Because we are interacting with one another on more than just verbal or physical levels, it’s important to be aware of our energetic relationship with our partner. 

Saying you’re sorry after a fight will fall short if you are still sulking and withholding your energy from that person. Being aware of your energy connection to another person can help you interact with them in a more productive way. 

Realising what the other person needs and meeting them halfway can go a long way to creating a mature, fulfilling relationship. Everyday life situations can get in the way, however, and even the most subtle things can cause an argument. 

Mismatching Energy?

Not being on the same energetic page as your partner can cause much confusion and frustration, without either person really being aware of what is happening on that level.  

Let’s say you come home after an intense business meeting and find a long list of tasks that you need to do before you relax. You’re still in work mode. 

Then your partner comes home after working out and indulging in a long steam at the gym and is feeling relaxed. You feel like giving orders, while your partner is ready to wind down. 

If your partner wants to move things into the bedroom, how will you respond? Work mode and play mode comprise very different vibes, and if you’re not on the same page, you’ll likely refuse their advances and get back to business. 

It’s easy for your partner to feel rejected at this point and for things to escalate into an argument. Soon, you’re sleeping on the couch and aren’t even sure how you got there. 

With each partner feeling hurt and confused, you push each other further apart. The solution lies in your energy field, also called the auric field. 

Your unique energy blueprint contains the energy patterns that reveal our relationship tendencies, and with practice, you can learn to work with these patterns to improve the quality of your relationships. 

The Power of Chakras

There are different psychological states of mind governed by the energy centres of the body, called chakras. 

If a certain chakra is more active than others, you will react to your world through the lens of that energy centre. 

For instance, if you are in work mode and are operating through the energy of the third chakra which encourages linear thinking and mental concepts, it will focus your experience in the boardroom i.e. practical and efficient. 

This is the specific use of the energy from that particular chakra. 

However, if you bring that same energy into the bedroom, the results may not be so successful, as romantic activities need a little more groove and a less business. 

When you want to relate to your partner on this level, the energy of the second chakra will help you be sensual and sink into pleasure, rather than treating your relationship like a project. 

So how can we shift the energy of our chakras and use it to our advantage? 

First, you need to know which mental and emotional states we associate with each chakra, and then you can start observing where you’re coming from. 

First Chakra

Ensures your personal safety and survival. It’s between the legs at the base of the spine. 

Second Chakra

Experiences your emotions, sexuality and creativity. You find it just beneath the navel. 

Third Chakra

Gets down to business and solve mental problems. Rules the diaphragm and middle torso. 

Fourth Chakra

Cultivates compassion and kindness. Lives over the heart area. 

Fifth Chakra

Expresses yourself and receives nourishment. 

Sixth Chakra

Connects with your intuitive nature and get inspiration from the divine. 

Seventh Chakra

Plugs in to spirit and feels the oneness of the Universe. 

Understanding the energies of each chakra can help us know which to activate in any situation. It is easy to shift the energy center to meet your needs. 

You just need to put your attention on that area of the body and be aware of the quality of energy produced by that particular chakra. 

To shift gears from work mode into romance mode, begin by simply realising where you are. Place your hands just below the rib cage (where your third chakra is) and breathe for a moment. 

Acknowledge how it feels to operate from this centre. Then to move out of that mindset and into a more romantic mood, shift your attention to the area below your navel (second chakra), where your emotions and sexuality reveal themselves. 

Place your hands here for a moment while breathing deeply and observe how it feels to centre your attention here. 

Meeting Each Other’s Energy Centres

Recognising that your partner may come from this energy centre and consciously meeting them there is a huge step to connecting more intimately with each other. 

Practice observing which chakra your partner favours, and you will understand more about what their needs are. Meeting your partner on a similar energetic level can be rewarding. 

With a little awareness and practice, you can improve your relationships both at home and at work, and everyone will marvel at how you connect with others so easily. 

I hope you find this perspective on energetic relationships useful. 

Get your exclusive FREE video insights here and conquer love once and for all.

Thinking Yourself Rich - Does It Work?

Thinking Yourself Rich - Does It Work?

Can you think yourself rich? If so, how do you go about it? To answer this question, you must first determine what your subconscious thoughts are regarding money.

Your thoughts create your reality. Money itself has no power; it is neither good nor bad. Your thoughts and ideals about money determine your beliefs about money. 

If you grew up struggling with money and thinking money was the root of all evil, then you probably still think that at some level. Many of us get so caught up in the stress and strife of life that we end up repelling money because we spend much of our time focusing on all of our problems.

The Power of Affirmations: How to Talk to Yourself

The Power of Affirmations: How to Talk to Yourself
News that everyone is buzzing about. It might just
be the secret you are looking for to change your life.

Have you ever considered just how important your self-talk really is for your personal growth and self-confidence? If not, just imagine what kind of influence your friends have on you when they talk to you ... or how much your parents had when you were growing up.

Now imagine this: You’re around yourself more often than anyone else on this planet. That ought to give you an idea of just how important it is to use empowering words when you speak to yourself. 

This takes practice, though, and if you aren’t really choosing your self-talk, you’ve probably developed some bad habits. The following “affirmation workout” will help you undo these habits and form empowering and inspiring self-talk.

Think Your Way to a Better You

Think Your Way to a Better You
Can you think your way to a better you? Maybe. Thinking positively has a lot going for it!

According to the Law of Attraction, you reap what you sow: your thoughts become reality. The Law of Attraction states that whatever you focus on attracts to you. So if you focus on positive thoughts, you draw in positive things and positive situations. 

If you focus on negative things, then the opposite happens. There is some research in positive psychology that states that those who have a more positive and optimistic attitude often live longer and happier lives than their pessimistic counterparts.

Visualise Your Way to a Healthier You!

Visualise Your Way to a Healthier You!
Can you visualise your way to better health? The answer might surprise you! You are what you think you are, and those unconscious thoughts may keep you from maintaining good health.

We are the product of our past thoughts and conditioning, so you may be subconsciously sabotaging yourself without realising it. Visualising is nothing more than creating a picture in your mind, and most of us are skilled at this from a very early age. We do it all the time whenever we daydream or get lost in thought.

Creative visualisation helps you make the future much clearer because you can see yourself achieving important goals. When you visualise, your brain is often in the alpha brainwave state, which is a more relaxed state of mind than you are typically in.

You access the alpha brainwave state through meditation or hypnosis, and it is a wonderful state of mind to change.

Why You're Not Getting What You Want (And What to Do About It!)

Destiny Tuning, the manifestation miracle
Get Manifestation Miracle Now!

A powerful secret that sounds almost unbelievable at first...

The #1 Secret For Manifesting Wealth, Happiness, Love & Success.

It will FORCE the universe to give you the life of your dreams - money, happiness, success, and more... 

Discover it here: Destiny Tuning

I am talking about the life that most people only ever fantasize and dream about. 

The kind where you make more in a month than you used to in a year... 

The kind where you inspire other people and they want to impress YOU... 

Where you make your wildest dreams become a reality. 

Discover this secret: Destiny Tuning 

This secret will literally force the universe to give you all the tools that you need to create financial, emotional and spiritual abundance... 

Without hard work or struggle. You’ll achieve your wealth, health, relationships, and other personal goals... 

And life will suddenly get super exciting, you’ll have trouble sleeping as you’ll be so excited about each new day to come... 

ATTENTION: If you want to stop living a life of hard work and start manifesting all of the wealth, abundance, love and happiness the Universe has to offer…

Manifest your dream life now: Destiny Tuning

The Millionaire's Brain

the millionaires brain video
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When The Millionaire’s Brain was placed on my desk, I groaned inwardly, “Oh no, not one of THOSE again,” and I almost pulled my hair out in frustration. I have readers who actually write in and ask how I can review such books.

But after going through it, The Millionaire’s Brain turned out to be one of those rare gems that work for once. Since this is after all a self-help guide, the content is more or less the same, but The Millionaire’s Brain seeks to be different from the rest of the pack by everything else.

While other products just provide textbook write-ups about what’s going on, The Millionaire’s Brain goes a step further, which I’ll explain more below. To gain success in this very competitive world, it is just not sufficient if you have talent or a dream.

If you don’t know how to work it, you won’t get it. Chapter 1 “Master Your Destiny” explores the concept of responsibility. Responsibility is central to the belief of the success mindset. 

With responsibility, you know that your choice matters in the long run.

To kick-start the whole process, we need to begin from the brain. The brain structure is the canvas for us to work the magic of the mindset. Continuing on that analogy, one method is to keep painting on it i.e. to keep telling the brain to do specific things or inculcate particular behaviours. 

Only with the constant painting and re-shaping will the positive behaviour wire itself into your brain and manifest automatically into your action. One of the most doable strategies outlined here is the strategy of not watching TV programs – because they are too mindless!

Come to think of it, watching those mechanical and bland TV programs does nothing to infuse your own destiny into the brain. There are absolutely no benefits at all.

Next on the palette, belief and ideology are critical ingredients as the underlying foundation to the great artwork of success mindset.

You must believe that the next millionaire is you. 

A strong and unwavering belief aligns with the powerful law of attraction and hands you the keys to infinite wealth. 

It is really that simple.

In addition, to strengthen your success mindset, you may need to give up something.

Not your soul, don’t worry.

It is something very close and intimate to the heart, something which you may have told yourself on occasions, or something which you heard from others. Now, I won’t be revealing those 2 words here, you’ll be amazed what it is when you come to that section in the eBook. Once you know what those words are, a simple reversal spins the wheel of fortune directly to your way.

It’s worth mentioning fear.

Fear is always the stumbling stone in any ambitious plan of success. Because when you take a fearful step back, everything literally comes to nought – everything from planning, to resource-gathering, to execution of the plan.

Like what the authors Winter and Alvin expound, talk is cheap. We must take action and toss fear out to the wind. As compared to other products, this is something lacking. 

They usually come in an eBook and just vaguely talk about this theory and that research finding. Thankfully, it is not just all talk in The Millionaire’s Brain. 

There are exercises throughout the eBook, to reinforce your understanding.

There are bonuses galore.

What is beneficial about The Millionaire’s Brain is there is a Brain Optimiser Workbook to further underpin what you need to do. Here, the brain optimising exercises come in handy, which includes affirmations, meditations, and many other little things you can implement effectively in your daily routine.

One of the bonuses, The Money Code, is rather intriguing because it focuses on financial success. Now it can be rather difficult for a layman to focus on financial details simply due to the technical jargon. 

But The Money Code is all straightforward and easy to understand on the concepts it seeks to code into the brain.

The other bonus is The Millionaire Mindset Suite.

This is a package of brainwave entertainment audios which eases the mind and provides meditative music as you contemplate your mindset, its creation and affirmation to work to your favour. I’ve read through countless self-help books in my time and I have to say that The Millionaire’s Brain is quite possibly one of the best, if not the best personal success development product out there.

It is comprehensive and in-depth, yet the concepts taught are so easy to understand and can be readily put into practice and action. If you look at those “Get-Rich Quick” seminars, what they’re asking is for you to keep on pumping in the capital to play the market, which may be quite risky.

For The Millionaire’s Brain, there is no such high risk involved. With The Millionaire’s Brain, you have an iron-clad guarantee that protects your interests – you will never lose your investment.

And the best thing about The Millionaire’s Brain?

It’s affordable. 

You know those same “Get Rich Quick” seminars I mentioned? They cost you hundreds, if not thousands of dollars for a 2 day weekend event. Millionaire’s Brain is a mere fraction of that... and you get to learn everything in the program right in the comfort of your own home.

No travel required. And get this, you can reap far MORE not by the satiation of your stomach, but by the wealth which will ensure the future of you and your loved ones!

You’d be hard pressed to find any success products with such reasonable pricing, AND with such a crystal-clear promise of a millionaire’s destiny.

I highly recommend Winter and Alvin’s The Millionaire’s Brain to you if you are determined to seek the millionaire’s, or to be even more ambitious, the billionaire’s, success in your life!

Get The Millionaire's Brain Right Now!

How to Attract Your Dream Relationship

How to Attract Your Dream Relationship
Create chemistry with the opposite sex, check out the free video on
"Conversation Chemistry"

Is there anything more important in life than the person you can share it with?

If you've been thinking about this, you're probably itching to know how you can attract your dream relationship.

Believe it or not, this is easier than it sounds...but it might require you to change your current approach. Why?

Manifesting Love and Wealth: Here's How To Do It

Manifesting Love and Wealth: Here's How To Do It
Get Dr. Robert Anthony's
'How to Make Your Mind a Money Magnet'
Could you use a little more love or wealth in your life? Most of us could! If you find yourself lacking a little in either one of these two departments, you're certainly not alone.

Love can be very elusive, and if you have ever struggled with relationships or love, you know this for a fact. What you may not know is that the law of attraction is at work, even when it comes to something like love.

Many people who don't have a life partner often feel lonely or depressed or even hopeless. This kind of energy is not the kind of energy you want to send out if you are looking for a life partner.

Get Your Perzonalized Numerology Report Now
