Unlimited Horizons Self Improvement

5 Ways to Visualise Yourself to Better Health

5 Ways to Visualize Yourself to Better Health
Free report for your personal path to life success.
Visualisation is a powerful tool, and you can use it to help your body and mind heal in a variety of ways. Also known as “guided imagery” or “creative visualisation,” it requires you to use your imagination!

However, some adults have lost the ability to use their imagination, or at least dismiss their imagination as no longer important now that the humdrum of life and paying bills has taken up more space in their minds. We need to remedy this straightaway!

Using your imagination is easier than you might think. Children naturally use their imagination every day, but as adults, we typically lose this ability. You use your imagination every time you daydream or get lost in thought.

My Top 20 Quotes on Success

Top 20 Quotes on Success
Get instant access to your FREE Number Messages Handbook.

Quotes on success are useful for inspiration, and these are from various people who have had tremendous success themselves. They’re great to read if you want to emulate them in your own life.

Two things I’ve taken from these quotes is that there is no success without enduring some failure, and it’s far worse not to try.

Dreaming big and persistence in the face of fear or failure are the vital ingredients to success.

Enjoy my top 20 quotes on success (plus a few extras 😊). Print them out and keep them close by so you can refer to them when you need a reminder.

3 Best Meditations for Happiness and Prosperity

3 Best Meditations for Happiness and Prosperity
Free report for your personal path to life success.
Happiness and prosperity are two fundamental requirements of a human being, and it is hard to have one without the other because, while many only consider prosperity as amassing everything money can bring an individual can never experience real prosperity without being happy.

In your daily life, strive to achieve prosperity as you work towards attaining inner peace and finding happiness. Here are the 3 best meditations to bring you happiness and prosperity, together becoming the driving force in your life.

Make sure you are in a quiet and comfortable spot and that you are alone as you practise these powerful meditations.

20 Great Affirmations for Wealth, Love and Self Confidence

20 Great Affirmations for Wealth, Love and Self-confidence
Enjoy a lifetime of the BEST that life has to offer…
Do you have your positive daily affirmations worked out yet for how you will develop greater self-confidence, more wealth, higher achievement, and a better romantic life? If not, you probably either don’t have the time or are still unsure about what will get you the most certain results.

If that’s the case, don’t worry. I’ve created these 20 daily affirmations for helping you to create more wealth, love and self-confidence in your life. I will also provide you with some solid pointers for how to put these to work.

Are You Always Waking Up on The Wrong Side of Bed?

Call it waking up on the wrong side of the bed. Call it not being a morning person. Call it Monday.

You might think there’s nothing you can do about waking up in a bad mood, but a pre-sleep ritual can make all the difference.

Keep reading to learn more about creating your own, unique ritual using relaxation and affirmations before sleep.

10 Reasons You Aren’t at Peace with Yourself

10 Reasons You Aren’t at Peace with Yourself
Will You Find Peace?
Are you at peace with yourself? If not, when did you last feel content? Every time you feel unhappy, the world seems such a dull and unappealing place. That’s not the way it’s supposed to be!

There may be lots of reasons you might not feel at peace. If that’s the case, here are 10 recommendations you can use to make improvements and gain complete peace and happiness.

Are You on Your True Life's Path?

Are You on Your True Life's Path?
Are You on Your True Life's Path?
Your numbers will tell you here.

Your true life’s path is your own unique journey on Earth that you were born to follow. It comprises a unique set of circumstances, experiences and challenges that only you will face.

You alone are the person who can directly influence it. Whilst various people will cross your path as you navigate, it’s solely you who can control the decisions and actions that will either bring you closer or cause you to stray from your true purpose.

Tarot Card Reading - Does Anybody Believe It in the 21st Century?

Tarot Card Reading - Does Anybody Believe It in the 21st Century?
Your Name is No Accident
There are many misconceptions with tarot cards, and there are still some people who consider them evil or dangerous. Most people know only what they see in movies or what they have heard about from fortunetellers. 

Certain religions may also consider tarot cards evil, but nothing could be further from the truth. Many people still use tarot cards to this day because they can help you tap into your higher self and build your intuitive skills. 

Tarot cards are a divination system that uses cards to gain insight or achieve greater control over certain issues.

10 Rules of Golden Communication

10 Rules of Golden Communication
What's going on inside their heads?
Can you guess what the most common characteristic of any successful relationship is? If your answer had anything to do with good communication, you’re spot on. Communication is important for sustaining not only a healthy relationship but also a healthy community and even a nation!

In fact, one of the first things that enemies seek to do to one another as soon as a war starts is to break down the other side’s communication centres. Without effective communication, any relationship, community or even nation will end. 

So let’s look at 10 golden rules of communication that you can use to build better relationships in your life.

10 Lessons from the "Red Paperclip Guy"

10 Lessons from the "Red Paperclip Guy"
Build success: Personalised numerology report
Have you ever felt like you couldn’t do something that you wanted to do because you lacked the resources? 

If so, you are about to learn 10 vital lessons about resourcefulness from the “Red Paperclip Guy.” 

But first, let’s talk about how he got this odd nickname.

9 Ways to Advance Your Career with Positive Thinking

9 Ways to Advance Your Career with Positive Thinking
Free Audio: How to Master Your Inner Game

The answer to getting a raise, promotion or just being happier at work may lie in the power of positive thinking. It takes just a few minutes each day and perhaps a change in perspective and you’ll be happier at the office. 

Positive thinking has been around a long time, and the results are encouraging. Besides, what have you got to lose by becoming a happier, more successful person? 

Anyone can use the following 9 tips to improve their careers.

The Idiot's Guide to Reiki - What You Need to Know

The Idiot's Guide to Reiki - What You Need to Know
You too can become a certified natural reiki healer
When you think of energy healing, you might immediately think of reiki. Whether you know what it is, chances are that you have probably at least heard of it. 

Perhaps you have even considered getting a reiki treatment for yourself but aren’t sure what it is? You think, “Everyone is doing this, but how can it help me?”

How to Ensure You Retire Rich

How to Ensure That You Retire Rich
Don't Leave It Too Late...
Wouldn’t you like to be one of those fortunate people who retire rich? If this is something you’re even remotely interested in, then this article might be one of the most important messages you ever read.

Spiritual Healing: Superstition or Unexplored Truth?

Spiritual Healing: Superstition or Unexplored Truth?
A Load of Old Hocus Pocus?
Alternative healing is becoming mainstream these days and gaining more respect as a practical approach to wellness. It’s intriguing, and it seems like just about everyone is seeing a healer, guru or shaman these days. 

You wonder if maybe you’re missing out on something, but you don’t want taken for a ride either. When you think of spiritual healing, images of a figure dressed in robes chanting and waving rattles around is more than enough to make you think twice, but is there really something to this?

How to Create an Online Business (Video)

Why Build Just a Website or Blog? Build a Web Business!

Solo Build It! is all about you starting and building your own business online. 
It is the only all-in-1 step-by-step system of process-and-software that delivers thriving businesses. No other purchase is necessary. Everything is included... Click here to Start Now.
Do you have that itching feeling that you want to set up an online business but don’t know where to begin?

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