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Showing posts sorted by date for query law of attraction. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query law of attraction. Sort by relevance Show all posts

How the Law of Attraction Really Works

How the Law of Attraction Really Works
It might just be the secret you are
looking for to change your life
How well is the law of attraction working for you?

If you’ve already seen the movie “The Secret” and all those super-successful people who seem to effortlessly attract what they want, you might think:

“There’s got to be more to it than just thinking.”

Well, guess what? There is!

3 Things You Never Knew About the Law of Attraction

3 Things You Never Knew About the Law of Attraction

While just about everyone has probably heard about the law of attraction, there are a few things you may not be aware of.

Whether you study and follow the law of attraction or not, one thing is for sure, it is already at work in your life, whether you are consciously aware of it or not.

The theory is that you attract into your life whatever it is you happen to be focused on, so if you are not happy with the things or the people in your life, guess what? You invited them!

Free Numerology Reading

Unlock the messages hidden in your Personality Code now with your Free Numerology Reading

Get Your Free Numerology Reading Here
Get Your Free Numerology Reading Here

Other Options Available

Option 1. This free and fully personalised video reading takes you on a fully personalised and multi-sensory journey into your unique numerology by examining the 3 core numbers in your chart. 

Almost as if a master numerologist was sitting with you in your living room, conducting a personal one-on-one reading.  

At the end of the video reading, you have the opportunity to purchase a complete Personality Decoder Report for just $7.  

This report is potent, precise, and fully personalised to the FIVE numbers in your chart you need to know right now to make empowering decisions and take command of your destiny, with no filler or fluff.

Option 2. Free reading, like the option above, but at the end of the video, this version of the personalised reading offers you a more comprehensive report – the flagship Deluxe Numerology Report.

This includes a complete and detailed analysis of ALL of your numbers for just $37, along with a very generous collection of bonus reports.

What will you attract into your life right now? According to the Law of Attraction (LOA), your thoughts create your reality.

So, whatever you focus on will manifest itself. For the LOA to work, it's essential that you are clear about your goals and that you get rid of any negative thoughts that might prevent you from reaching them.

One great way to get clarity (and to remove any obstacles) is to look to Numerology for guidance.

This incredible video is an intimate, spiritual journey, allowing you to see yourself in ways you've never ever seen yourself before.

The 100% personalized video reveals your Life Path, Expression and Soul Urge Numbers to show you:

  • The deep desires you might be ignoring (and how you can finally get them)
  • The best way to redirect your energy so you can stop struggling and start living easily and effortlessly
  • Secret talents and hidden strengths (and how to leverage them)
  • Powerful insights into your character and the unique way you relate to others
  • Upcoming challenges and lessons you’re meant to learn in this life as well as unexplored opportunities and to change your life for the better…

Think of this as a movie in which you are the star. You are definitely going to want to watch it.

Here's to walking the red carpet with all its abundance!

The Concise Guide to Attracting Everything You Desire - in ABUNDANCE

The Concise Guide to Attracting Everything You Desire - in ABUNDANCE
Go Get It!
Are you stuck in a dead-end job or not fulfilled in your relationship? What if you could change your life just by changing your thinking? 

Using the principles of the Law of Attraction can help you go from wanting or needing more love or money to having and enjoying it. Anyone can adopt these simple ways of thinking to create the life of their dreams.

Scientific Evidence of the Power of Visualisation

Scientific Evidence of the Power of Visualisation
Get started by creating your own
Mind Movie

Visualisation is a powerful technique for harnessing the Law of Attraction to realise your dreams. You’ve probably already heard a lot about how powerful creative visualisation is in helping you to attract what you want. 

Is there any scientific evidence behind all of this visualisation stuff, though? If you’ve been wondering or even been sceptical about this, then this article has the answers you’re looking for. 

Reboot, Refresh and Recharge Your Life

Reboot, Refresh and Recharge Your Life
Free eBook: How to Get What You Want

 Within every career and every pursuit you may have, including getting in shape, we must endure a roller coaster ride before we can get to the goal line. There’s the exhilaration as we go up, followed by fear as we go back down. We take two steps forward, sometimes one step back. 

And as we ride it out, we learn from the experience and understand how to ride the next big wave better. But what happens when the action we need to take for the healthiest life possible doesn’t always go as planned? 

How do we re-teach ourselves to eat smarter, exercise harder, and set our bodies and minds up for the best ride we might go on? Sometimes in life, it’s necessary to rewind, recharge and re-do the damage done. 

Whether your biggest challenge is to stop comfort eating, or resist buying into the latest fad diet as the solution to your weight loss, or even making your health the first and most important priority in your life, anything is possible. 

10 Ways to Become as Prosperous as You'd Like to Be

10 Ways to Become as Prosperous as You'd Like to Be
Learn How to Think Like a Millionaire

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to be successful and wealthy easily, while you work so hard but seem to achieve so little?

Would you like to know the science of getting rich? Here’s 10 ways you can become as prosperous as you’d like to be.

Why You Should Create Positive Affirmations

Why You Should Create Positive Affirmations
Get Your Free Manifestation Breakthrough Kit Now
Positive affirmations are short, effective statements set in the present tense that reflect the state of mind or condition you wish to obtain. When said with confidence, they can help you achieve goals and overcome obstacles.

An affirmation works to reprogram your mind, helping you believe that you have already achieved your goal before you actually achieve it. Affirmations can be very powerful because the subconscious mind does not differentiate between reality and imagination.

They help you replace self-defeating thoughts that can run through your mind if you allow them to.

How to Get EXACTLY What You Want

How to Get EXACTLY What You Want
Get The Law of Attraction to work almost instantly
Have you ever considered the fact that there might be a way to get exactly what you want out of life no matter how big it is? 

If so, it should encourage you that there is a six-step process that you can use to accomplish the deepest desire of your heart - and this is something which you can get started on today. 

The following six-step process is based on Napoleon Hill (author of the classic “Think and Grow Rich”) recommended for getting what you want. 

It might also interest you to know that the famed inventor and business person Thomas Edison approved of this process and since then, has contributed to the creation of more millionaires than almost any other method in history...

10 Steps to Attract the Life You Want

numerologist free video reading
Watch Now
If I told you that you could create the exact circumstances you want, would you call me crazy? What if your very thoughts could create ripples of change that not only impact your life…

… but those around you as well?

Philip, a call centre worker from the Philippines, didn’t think so. He dreamed of moving overseas so he could secure a better life and provide for his family. But at every turn, his own mind shut down every opportunity he thought of.

What’s the Truth about the “Self-Help” Industry?

What’s the Truth about the “Self-Help” Industry?
FREE e-Book! Discover How To
Master The Law Of Attraction Effectively In Your Life

 Are you bombarded with so many self-help techniques you don’t know where to start? It is easy to get caught up in the excitement and drama of the self-help industry because they all promise to help you reinvent your life. 

Much like email marketing, most self-help genres promise big things. There are a lot of legitimate caring people in the self-help industry that can really help you make some amazing changes in your life. 

However, there are also just as many scam artists trying to sell you a product or an idea that can change your life. It is easy to get sucked into empty promises that end up costing you a lot of money. 

People spend big money on self-help products, and women are the main target audience. Americans spend over 11 billion dollars annually in the self-help industry, a lot of money. 

Think Your Way to a Better You

Think Your Way to a Better You
Can you think your way to a better you? Maybe. Thinking positively has a lot going for it!

According to the Law of Attraction, you reap what you sow: your thoughts become reality. The Law of Attraction states that whatever you focus on attracts to you. So if you focus on positive thoughts, you draw in positive things and positive situations. 

If you focus on negative things, then the opposite happens. There is some research in positive psychology that states that those who have a more positive and optimistic attitude often live longer and happier lives than their pessimistic counterparts.

The Millionaire's Brain

the millionaires brain video
Watch Now

When The Millionaire’s Brain was placed on my desk, I groaned inwardly, “Oh no, not one of THOSE again,” and I almost pulled my hair out in frustration. I have readers who actually write in and ask how I can review such books.

But after going through it, The Millionaire’s Brain turned out to be one of those rare gems that work for once. Since this is after all a self-help guide, the content is more or less the same, but The Millionaire’s Brain seeks to be different from the rest of the pack by everything else.

While other products just provide textbook write-ups about what’s going on, The Millionaire’s Brain goes a step further, which I’ll explain more below. To gain success in this very competitive world, it is just not sufficient if you have talent or a dream.

If you don’t know how to work it, you won’t get it. Chapter 1 “Master Your Destiny” explores the concept of responsibility. Responsibility is central to the belief of the success mindset. 

With responsibility, you know that your choice matters in the long run.

To kick-start the whole process, we need to begin from the brain. The brain structure is the canvas for us to work the magic of the mindset. Continuing on that analogy, one method is to keep painting on it i.e. to keep telling the brain to do specific things or inculcate particular behaviours. 

Only with the constant painting and re-shaping will the positive behaviour wire itself into your brain and manifest automatically into your action. One of the most doable strategies outlined here is the strategy of not watching TV programs – because they are too mindless!

Come to think of it, watching those mechanical and bland TV programs does nothing to infuse your own destiny into the brain. There are absolutely no benefits at all.

Next on the palette, belief and ideology are critical ingredients as the underlying foundation to the great artwork of success mindset.

You must believe that the next millionaire is you. 

A strong and unwavering belief aligns with the powerful law of attraction and hands you the keys to infinite wealth. 

It is really that simple.

In addition, to strengthen your success mindset, you may need to give up something.

Not your soul, don’t worry.

It is something very close and intimate to the heart, something which you may have told yourself on occasions, or something which you heard from others. Now, I won’t be revealing those 2 words here, you’ll be amazed what it is when you come to that section in the eBook. Once you know what those words are, a simple reversal spins the wheel of fortune directly to your way.

It’s worth mentioning fear.

Fear is always the stumbling stone in any ambitious plan of success. Because when you take a fearful step back, everything literally comes to nought – everything from planning, to resource-gathering, to execution of the plan.

Like what the authors Winter and Alvin expound, talk is cheap. We must take action and toss fear out to the wind. As compared to other products, this is something lacking. 

They usually come in an eBook and just vaguely talk about this theory and that research finding. Thankfully, it is not just all talk in The Millionaire’s Brain. 

There are exercises throughout the eBook, to reinforce your understanding.

There are bonuses galore.

What is beneficial about The Millionaire’s Brain is there is a Brain Optimiser Workbook to further underpin what you need to do. Here, the brain optimising exercises come in handy, which includes affirmations, meditations, and many other little things you can implement effectively in your daily routine.

One of the bonuses, The Money Code, is rather intriguing because it focuses on financial success. Now it can be rather difficult for a layman to focus on financial details simply due to the technical jargon. 

But The Money Code is all straightforward and easy to understand on the concepts it seeks to code into the brain.

The other bonus is The Millionaire Mindset Suite.

This is a package of brainwave entertainment audios which eases the mind and provides meditative music as you contemplate your mindset, its creation and affirmation to work to your favour. I’ve read through countless self-help books in my time and I have to say that The Millionaire’s Brain is quite possibly one of the best, if not the best personal success development product out there.

It is comprehensive and in-depth, yet the concepts taught are so easy to understand and can be readily put into practice and action. If you look at those “Get-Rich Quick” seminars, what they’re asking is for you to keep on pumping in the capital to play the market, which may be quite risky.

For The Millionaire’s Brain, there is no such high risk involved. With The Millionaire’s Brain, you have an iron-clad guarantee that protects your interests – you will never lose your investment.

And the best thing about The Millionaire’s Brain?

It’s affordable. 

You know those same “Get Rich Quick” seminars I mentioned? They cost you hundreds, if not thousands of dollars for a 2 day weekend event. Millionaire’s Brain is a mere fraction of that... and you get to learn everything in the program right in the comfort of your own home.

No travel required. And get this, you can reap far MORE not by the satiation of your stomach, but by the wealth which will ensure the future of you and your loved ones!

You’d be hard pressed to find any success products with such reasonable pricing, AND with such a crystal-clear promise of a millionaire’s destiny.

I highly recommend Winter and Alvin’s The Millionaire’s Brain to you if you are determined to seek the millionaire’s, or to be even more ambitious, the billionaire’s, success in your life!

Get The Millionaire's Brain Right Now!

Manifesting Love and Wealth: Here's How To Do It

Manifesting Love and Wealth: Here's How To Do It
Get Dr. Robert Anthony's
'How to Make Your Mind a Money Magnet'
Could you use a little more love or wealth in your life? Most of us could! If you find yourself lacking a little in either one of these two departments, you're certainly not alone.

Love can be very elusive, and if you have ever struggled with relationships or love, you know this for a fact. What you may not know is that the law of attraction is at work, even when it comes to something like love.

Many people who don't have a life partner often feel lonely or depressed or even hopeless. This kind of energy is not the kind of energy you want to send out if you are looking for a life partner.

Get Your Perzonalized Numerology Report Now
