Unlimited Horizons Self Improvement

The Power of a Positive Attitude

The Power of a Positive Attitude
How can your numbers change your life for the better?

Please try not to be cynical as I discuss ‘positivity’. I know life can be shit, right?

You don’t want some annoyingly jolly bloke going on about positive attitudes, energies or whatever. I get that, but…

Listen to your thoughts.

Now, tell me…

1. What thoughts fill your head?

2. Would you label them as positive or negative?

Now let’s say you are walking down the street with these thoughts.

Do you think anyone who would meet you could tell you what’s on your mind?

The answer to the first question is all yours.

The answer to the second question could be either.

Although people cannot tell exactly what you think, they will more often than not accurately guess how you are feeling.

Spiritual Growth: The Spiritual Challenge of Modern Times

Spiritual Growth: The Spiritual Challenge of Modern Times
Free eBook: Can you attract wealth with your DNA?
The answer will surprise you.

To grow spiritually in a world defined by power, money, and influence is a Herculean task. 

Modern conveniences such as electronic gadgets, tools and entertainment through television, magazines, and the web have predisposed us to confine our attention mostly to physical needs and wants.

As a result, we’ve muddled our concepts of self-worth and self-meaning. 

How can we balance the material and spiritual aspects of our lives?

How to Build Effective Relationships

How to Build Effective Relationships
What makes you tick? Improve your relationships here
by exploring your Soul Urge Numbers

I’m often asked how to build effective relationships. However, we often perceive relationships as delicate things that require exceptional amounts of effort to maintain. 

Despite their many trials, though, relationships can provide long-lasting security and happiness.

Building effective and lasting relationships is a necessity. In a group or organisation, the wellbeing of the people in it depends on how efficient and effective that group or organisation works.

In a company setting, for example, the organisation also depends on how well the members work with management. An ineffective group or organisation can be really frustrating.

Do Yoda Proud: Meditation 101

Do Yoda Proud: Meditation 101
Learn the secrets of yoga & meditation combined

Meditation refers to a state where your body and mind are consciously relaxed and focused. Practitioners of this art report increased awareness, focus, and concentration, as well as a more positive outlook on life.

Meditation is most commonly associated with monks, mystics, and other spiritual disciplines. However, you don’t have to be a monk or mystic to enjoy its benefits.

You don’t even have to be in a special place to practise it. You can even try it in your own living room.

Although there are many approaches to meditation, the fundamental principles remain the same.

Self-Hypnosis Towards Self Improvement

Self-Hypnosis Towards Self Improvement
FREE PDF: Can you attract wealth with your DNA?
The answer will surprise you.

Self-hypnosis is a great tool for goal setting and self improvement. It surprises most people at how easy it is to learn self-hypnosis.

We usually think of self-hypnosis as a person listening to a CD, mp3, or other media, to induce a willingness to absorb suggestions centred on a specific topic such as weight loss, stopping smoking, etc.

That sort of hypnosis exists, but I’m not talking about that in this article. Here, the “self” in self-hypnosis simply means that you both create and listen to it by yourself.

So how do you incorporate self improvement into hypnosis?

How to Unleash Your Creative Thinking

How to Unleash Your Creative Thinking
Watch This Video to Achieve More,
Faster Than You Ever Dreamed Possible!

People seem to have the misconception that only a select few can unleash a steady flow of creative genius. That is not true at all.

Creativity is very much like a muscle that needs to be exercised in order to give out significant results. If you don’t practice harnessing creative thinking, this skill will very much atrophy into inexistence.

But keep working and this skill will soon come to you in a snap.

So how do you unleash your creative thinking?

Self-Esteem Improvement - How to Do It Now

Self-Esteem Improvement - How to Do It Now
Is it Possible To Manifest Health and Wealth
When The World Feels Like It's falling apart? 100% Yes

Be determined to improve your self-esteem and you are on your way to great achievement. Do not let a low self-esteem ruin your life.

The way you think about yourself determines how you interact with others. It’s crucial that it is healthy. From there, everything else flows.

Here are some examples of how low self-esteem manifests itself.

1. You often think that nothing you do goes right.

2. You believe that most people dislike you.

3. You believe you are not attractive.

4. You choose something and it turns out to be wrong.

5. You are afraid to converse with others for fear that what you say might not make sense or has value.

6. You feel swallowed up in a whirlpool of frustration.

Free Audio: How to Master Your Inner Game

"Outside The Box" Thinking To Attract Everything You Want

Because When You Master Your Mind You Master Your Life!

Free Audio: How to Master Your Inner Game Free Audio: How to Master Your Inner Game

In This Audio, You'll Learn:

* The shocking truth about 'Reality Loops'. *
* How to escape the Funnel of Limitation...for good. *
* What OMFYM is and why it's crucial to use it EVERY single day. *
* How to banish the limiting trances that are ruining your life. *

Download FREE Now!

7 Day Program to Self Improvement

7 Day Program to Self Improvement
Unlock the messages hidden in your Personality Code
with your free personalized video report

What does self improvement mean to you? How often do we view movie and TV stars as flawless people, living the fairy tale life of riches and glamour?

Is it realistic to compare ourselves to every person we see in glossy magazines or on the TV? There are many ways to lose your sense of self-esteem and consistently comparing ourselves to others is one of them. 

Whatever happens, though, we should all try not to lose our own sense of self. So what does it take to work on your self improvement?

Here are 7 things you can do for your own personal growth. Implement one each day and in a week you’ll notice tangible benefits.

7 Steps to The Road to Intuition

7 Steps to The Road to Intuition
Click here now for Dr Anthony's breakthrough
Self-Hypnosis Program

Have you had the experience when you had a hunch that something is about to happen, and to your surprise, it became reality?

When you feel strongly about something without a logical basis to it, that’s intuition. It comes in three impressions: clairvoyance or “the third eye”, sensing clearly and feeling through listening.

Clairvoyance is when your eye goes beyond what it can see. This is when you know something is happening somewhere else.

Sensing clearly is basically what we refer to as “hunch” or “gut feel.” It overwhelms you with a feeling and you can’t explain it and all you can say is, “I just know.”

Feeling through listening or clairaudience is being able to “listen” between the lines. Intuition also happens at times when a certain sound, whatever it is - be it a car’s honk or a bird’s twitting - ushers in an intense feeling.

They say only a minority of people are truly gifted with intuition. Nonetheless, anyone can develop their intuition.

Powerful Daily Prayers

Powerful Daily Prayers
Get your FREE e-Book
Discover How To Master The Law Of Attraction
Effectively In Your Life...

You don’t have to be ‘religious’ to pray. I’m not. I find prayer helpful though and try to do it every day.

Prayer allows me to focus away from myself and feeds my mind with positive energy. I’d encourage anyone to try praying.

I don’t mean in some huge way, all kneeling and chanting or whatever. I mean just saying simple prayers regularly. Privately. It’s a bit like saying affirmations, which people find helpful.

Alternative Beliefs: What They Are and What They're Not

Alternative Beliefs: What They Are and What They're Not
Get your FREE e-Book: 7 Sacred Signs From The Universe

What is an alternative belief? An alternative belief is essentially anything that strays from a mainstream belief. 

It doesn't mean you embrace devil worship or practice satanic rituals! Alternative beliefs are not cults or a method for brainwashing either. 

Alternative beliefs can apply to many things, including science, spirituality, psychology and even medicine, just to name a few. 

Alternative beliefs allow you to explore new possibilities and methods that vary from a majority group belief.

7 Ways to Live Your Life Without Regret

7 Ways to Live Your Life Without Regret
FREE e-Book! Discover How To Master
The Law Of Attraction Effectively In Your Life

It's never too late to change your life. If you live with regrets, now's a good as time as any to take action and bring happiness to your life.

Here's how to be happy with yourself and live life without regret, regardless of any pain you have experienced in the past.

It's all about living and doing in the present - the past is the past and it's time to leave it all behind.

How to Become a Better Person Overnight

How to Become a Better Person Overnight
Is it possible to become a better person overnight?
Numerology readings can help you achieve this.
Click here to try it now!

Have you ever wondered how you can become a better person? 
You hold some amazing powers in your subconscious mind, and you can use your mind to make some incredible changes in your life.

You can literally use your mind to make your world a better place. We create everything in our minds.

If you don’t like the life or the person you are, all you really need to do is change your thoughts. You can be a better person simply by choosing to be kind, for example.

You can feel thankful instead of bitter. You can be grateful for those things you have, rather than upset over those things you don’t have.

4 Subconscious Mind Power Exercises to Unlock Hidden Creativity

4 Subconscious Mind Power Exercises to Unlock Hidden Creativity
Unlock the power of your subconscious mind, and discover
results you never would have thought possible with
The Millionaire’s Brain

How much of your brain power are you using? They say most people only use 10 percent of their conscious minds, and the subconscious controls the other 90 percent. 

Nonetheless, with a little effort, you can tap into all that unlimited potential. The subconscious mind is like the junk drawer of the conscious mind. 

Everything gets thrown in, mixed up and will probably surface when you least expect it. However, there are some easy exercises that can help you find the creativity hidden beneath the random thoughts. 

Because it exists beyond the constraints of the physical world, the subconscious mind can break all the usual rules and doesn’t have to conform to limits.

There is an unlimited quality to its nature, and it can prompt you to be innovative. Try these exercises when you feel stuck and uninspired or need to shake things up a bit. 

They are perfect for setting intentions and working toward a goal or for getting creative ideas when the logical mind has struck out. 

How Spiritual Health Affects Your Physical Relationships

How Spiritual Health Affects Your Physical Relationships
Can you find true love in your numbers?
Click here to find out more.

Are you feeling disconnected from your partner? Does it seem like another date night will just not fix things?

Sometimes it takes a little more than an occasional night out to fix a relationship that has gone downhill. Although you love each other, you are having trouble connecting on different levels and can’t understand why you are unhappy.

What if the secret to improving your romantic relationships lies in improving your spiritual health? No, I’m not suggesting that you go on a couples retreat with your church. 

Uncover the Hidden Power of the Subconscious Mind

Uncover the Hidden Power of the Subconscious Mind
FREE e-Book! Discover How To Master
The Law Of Attraction Effectively In Your Life

What if you could program a computer to create more success and happiness for yourself? You absolutely can, and you don’t even have to buy any software. The subconscious mind is like an internal computer you can use to help you achieve the life of your dreams.

The way to program your subconscious is through meditation and visualisation techniques. These simple exercises are easy and promote well-being on many levels. Don’t doubt the effectiveness of what I’m about to share with you, or you’ll be blocking the possibilities right from the start.

In fact, you are already programming your mind; you just don’t realise it. Every belief that you tell yourself becomes your experience, whether or not you want it. Your subconscious doesn’t have a filter to keep out bad thoughts, so you need to monitor your thinking.

20 Step Healing Meditation

20 Step Healing Meditation
Check out the breakthrough program that gets you back to
the body and mind you love and need!

We all need a little time to look after ourselves occasionally and meditation is ideal for providing a bit of stress relief and healing.

Try this 20 step healing meditation and feel the stress simply ooze away. Do it every day and your health and well-being will improve immeasurably in a short space of time.

Let Go of the Guilt for Good

Let Go of the Guilt for Good
Click Here for a Little-Known Shortcut
to Secrets of Conversational Hypnosis

Do you ever get that guilty or “bad” feeling when you want to do something for yourself? If so, you might realise that this feeling is keeping you from having more of what you want - or even from enjoying your life.

Well, thankfully you don’t have to suffer with this guilty feeling every time that you try to get ahead or to help yourself. All you have to do is understand where the feeling comes from and what you can do to get rid of it.

5 Traits of Lucky People

5 Traits of Lucky People
Think Numerology is just luck?
Get a free reading here to find out that's not true.

Do you know people who just seem to be lucky all the time? Those who breeze through life and look like they hit the jackpot of life's rewards just like that, each and every time - with little or no effort - it's like they have the secret of success.

While you struggle along, slogging it out each day, not getting anywhere. Not landing that job you really wanted, that salary raise, the house you wanted to live in, or getting the person you really fancy? Does it make you feel envious?

What would you do if you knew that you can actually "learn" to be lucky? That you can literally attract luck into your life and all it takes is a few small adjustments in the way you think.

5 Simple Ways to Improve Your Health Through Meditation

5 Simple Ways to Improve Your Health Through Meditation
Did you know that you can use yoga to help to
meditate (and strengthen your body and soul)?
Find out the “insider secrets” of yoga here.

Did you know that something as simple as meditation can help you improve your health? Meditation is not only a great way to relieve stress and anxiety, it’s also a wonderful way to help you elicit healing and improve your health. 

Meditation not only offers you a rare opportunity to escape your thoughts, it can also help you lower your blood pressure, decrease muscle tension, relieve headaches, relax the nervous system, increase the blood flow and slow the heart rate. 

Meditation is a tool that has been in use for hundreds of years, dating all the way back to ancient Egypt. Ancient people used meditation for centuries to appease the gods and make a higher connection. 

Meditation is one of the oldest forms of spiritual, mental and health and wellness practices in existence, and there is really no telling exactly how far back it goes. 

3 Ways to Find Your Purpose in Life

3 Ways to Find Your Purpose in Life
Use your numbers to find your true life's purpose here.

Are you still wondering what it is that you want to do when you grow up? You might have heard that one of the most important decisions you can make is to find something that you love and to find someone to pay you for it.

Just think about how much happier this would make you, and about how many people have built a fortune by following their passion. 

The question is: How can you discover what your purpose in life is so that you can get started right away?

What is The Easiest Way to Get Started With Meditation?

What is The Easiest Way to Get Started With Meditation?
Learn the secrets of yoga & meditation combined

Would you like to reduce stress, improve your concentration, boost your mood and lower your blood pressure all at the same time? What if it didn’t cost you anything and you could just sit there while it was happening? 

It sounds too good to be true, but the benefits of meditation are both effortless and endless. Are you reluctant to try it? 

With all of its mystery and protocol, meditation can seem intimidating, but it’s actually very simple. Meditation requires a little more than your breath and a quiet moment.

How to Ascend to Your Higher Self

How to Ascend To Your Higher Self
Searching for Your Higher Self?

Your higher self is the essence of you. It is the real you or your total soul consciousness. It completes you and is in possession of your soul contract. It is like having access to your own instruction manual or help centre.

When you access your higher self, you can get the answers you need. You are always connected to your higher self. You might think of it as your voice of reason.

She has all of the answers to all of the dilemmas and problems you experience in life. The higher self has a plan he or she is working off of, and if you can connect with your higher self, you can catch a glimpse of this plan.

4 Easy Meditation Techniques to Attract Abundance

4 Easy Meditation Techniques to Attract Abundance
Discover how to use yoga to advance your
meditative practice and skill here.

What if all that was standing between you and your dreams was your thinking? You can achieve the life you desire through meditation techniques, and they are easier to do than you think.

Training the mind takes practice and dedication. You need to be focused on your goals and concentrate on them before they will manifest in your life. The more you visualise your dreams, the more power they have.

The universe will only attract what you ask for, so be clear about what you want. You’ll need to see your goal specifically, down to the last detail.

Double Your Productivity: 7 Secrets

Double Your Productivity: 7 Secrets
I highly recommend that you take this 60 second quiz and
then check out your customised report that comes from it.

Are you on the path to ultimate life success? Why leave it to chance? Do you think it’s possible to double your productivity as early as this month? 

If you think this sounds impossible, just think about this: As you’re reading this, people who are no smarter or more hardworking than you are making millions of dollars a year, or even a month! 

This means that the only possibility is that they know a few secrets about productivity, which are enabling them to do a lot more in a lot less time. Let’s look at seven secrets which you can start using today.

5 Secrets to Blissful Relationships

5 Secrets of Blissful Relationships
You can use this revolutionary software that blocks out negativity
and replaces bad thoughts with positive affirmations
that help you achieve your goals and live a happy life.

Have you ever seen a couple who had been together for 30 or 40 years and wondered what their secret was? 

Listen, there’s actually no such thing as a ‘blissful’ relationship. They take work and there will be many trials along the road if you’re together with someone long term. 

However, you can do things to make your relationships function better so both of you can be happier. Put these five secrets to blissful relationships into practice and you’ll amaze yourself at how much simpler it is to have a great relationships.

Are Vision Boards the Key to Unlimited Success?

Are Vision Boards the Key to Unlimited Success?
Get your free Numerology reading here to see a vision of your future

Vision boards are a visual representation of all of your hopes and dreams. You can make a vision board by cutting out photos or pictures of things you would like to attract into your life. 

A vision board is basically a collage that acts as a reminder of the kind of life you would like to be living. Vision boards are a simple concept that can work to help you make your dreams a reality. 

Vision boards are a treasure map or goal-setting device that can help you supercharge your powers of manifestation. Made popular during the famous movie called “The Secret,” but the truth of it is that vision boards have been around for years. 

Procrastination: 7 Causes, 7 Cures

Procrastination: 7 Causes, 7 Cures
Use "Your Numbers" to help you stop procrastinating.

Does procrastination ever stop you from doing what you really want to do with your life? Maybe you want to get in better shape, go back to school, start your business or start investing money for the future. 

You can always do it tomorrow, right? 

But then tomorrow comes, and you don’t feel like doing it again and so goes the sad saga of procrastination. 

When does it end? 

If you’ve been wondering about this, here are seven causes of procrastination and seven cures that will help you put an end to procrastination today. 

What is My Numerology Number?

what is my numerology number
Get your FREE full numerology reading here!

How do you find out what is my numerology number?

It’s not a hard task and follows a simple formula:

For each letter, a number is associated and then the name number calculation is clear, as in case of date of birth.


Get Your Perzonalized Numerology Report Now
