Unlimited Horizons Self Improvement
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Showing posts sorted by date for query meditation. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Tips for Overcoming Your Fears

Tips for Overcoming Your Fears
Use Numerology to tackle upcoming challenges
and lessons you’re meant to learn in this life

What are you afraid of most? We all have something we fear. It’s only human.

However, choosing to let those fears debilitate you or guide you is the difference between whether fear will overcome you or you will overcome it.

While some individuals naturally have more courage than others, it may be easy for them to make light of your fears. Those people can tell you just not to be afraid, which is not helpful.

To conquer fear, here are some handy tips you could use to put your fears to rest.

How to Program Your Conscious Mind

How to Program Your Conscious Mind
Use Numerology to discover your secret talents & hidden
strengths (and how to use them to get what you truly want!)

You may be familiar with how the subconscious mind sometimes sabotages the conscious mind. Not that you have a split personality or anything, but the subconscious plays a fundamental role in the human mind.

A long time ago, the subconscious mind purely handled your safety. It still does today to a certain extent, but the modern world differs from prehistoric times.

The ingrained fight-or-flight response, when you faced imminent physical danger, required you to decide instantaneously on whether to stay or flee. It’s on autopilot.

However, today, we know the subconscious mind may overact every now and again. This can be unhelpful in negotiating modern life.

9 Relaxation Techniques for Stress

9 Relaxation Techniques for Stress

Stress is the curse of modern life. Everyone suffers from stress, and the stress we suffer takes a heavy toll on our bodies, emotions, and minds.

If you’re feeling stressed out, worn out by fatigue or just simply having a miserable day, you must learn how to relax.

Anger contributes to heart disease, particularly for men (read more here). Mental stress leads to irritability. Too much stress brings about ischemia that can cause a heart attack.

Considering this, relaxation takes on added importance. Managing anger is crucial for heart health, and relaxation helps you manage stress.

Relaxation lowers the activity level within the brain's limbic system; this is the emotional centre of our brain. Slowing this down improves your overall health and wellbeing.

If there are thousands of reasons why we can get stressed, there are many ways we can relax. So how do we achieve relaxation?

Energy Healing 101: Pranic, Tantric and Reiki

Energy Healing 101: Pranic, Tantric and Reiki
In this personalized video report here, we’ll explore your
Life Path, Expression, and Soul Urge Numbers (and more)

You may have come across exotic sounding terms like “chakra”, “prana”, “aura”, and “tantra” when reading books on spirituality, sex and healing in the New Age literature section of the bookshop or library.

What’s the meaning of all these wonderfully sounding terms?

Do Yoda Proud: Meditation 101

Do Yoda Proud: Meditation 101
Learn the secrets of yoga & meditation combined

Meditation refers to a state where your body and mind are consciously relaxed and focused. Practitioners of this art report increased awareness, focus, and concentration, as well as a more positive outlook on life.

Meditation is most commonly associated with monks, mystics, and other spiritual disciplines. However, you don’t have to be a monk or mystic to enjoy its benefits.

You don’t even have to be in a special place to practise it. You can even try it in your own living room.

Although there are many approaches to meditation, the fundamental principles remain the same.

7 Steps to The Road to Intuition

7 Steps to The Road to Intuition
Click here now for Dr Anthony's breakthrough
Self-Hypnosis Program

Have you had the experience when you had a hunch that something is about to happen, and to your surprise, it became reality?

When you feel strongly about something without a logical basis to it, that’s intuition. It comes in three impressions: clairvoyance or “the third eye”, sensing clearly and feeling through listening.

Clairvoyance is when your eye goes beyond what it can see. This is when you know something is happening somewhere else.

Sensing clearly is basically what we refer to as “hunch” or “gut feel.” It overwhelms you with a feeling and you can’t explain it and all you can say is, “I just know.”

Feeling through listening or clairaudience is being able to “listen” between the lines. Intuition also happens at times when a certain sound, whatever it is - be it a car’s honk or a bird’s twitting - ushers in an intense feeling.

They say only a minority of people are truly gifted with intuition. Nonetheless, anyone can develop their intuition.

Alternative Beliefs: What They Are and What They're Not

Alternative Beliefs: What They Are and What They're Not
Get your FREE e-Book: 7 Sacred Signs From The Universe

What is an alternative belief? An alternative belief is essentially anything that strays from a mainstream belief. 

It doesn't mean you embrace devil worship or practice satanic rituals! Alternative beliefs are not cults or a method for brainwashing either. 

Alternative beliefs can apply to many things, including science, spirituality, psychology and even medicine, just to name a few. 

Alternative beliefs allow you to explore new possibilities and methods that vary from a majority group belief.

7 Ways to Live Your Life Without Regret

7 Ways to Live Your Life Without Regret
FREE e-Book! Discover How To Master
The Law Of Attraction Effectively In Your Life

It's never too late to change your life. If you live with regrets, now's a good as time as any to take action and bring happiness to your life.

Here's how to be happy with yourself and live life without regret, regardless of any pain you have experienced in the past.

It's all about living and doing in the present - the past is the past and it's time to leave it all behind.

Uncover the Hidden Power of the Subconscious Mind

Uncover the Hidden Power of the Subconscious Mind
FREE e-Book! Discover How To Master
The Law Of Attraction Effectively In Your Life

What if you could program a computer to create more success and happiness for yourself? You absolutely can, and you don’t even have to buy any software. The subconscious mind is like an internal computer you can use to help you achieve the life of your dreams.

The way to program your subconscious is through meditation and visualisation techniques. These simple exercises are easy and promote well-being on many levels. Don’t doubt the effectiveness of what I’m about to share with you, or you’ll be blocking the possibilities right from the start.

In fact, you are already programming your mind; you just don’t realise it. Every belief that you tell yourself becomes your experience, whether or not you want it. Your subconscious doesn’t have a filter to keep out bad thoughts, so you need to monitor your thinking.

20 Step Healing Meditation

20 Step Healing Meditation
Check out the breakthrough program that gets you back to
the body and mind you love and need!

We all need a little time to look after ourselves occasionally and meditation is ideal for providing a bit of stress relief and healing.

Try this 20 step healing meditation and feel the stress simply ooze away. Do it every day and your health and well-being will improve immeasurably in a short space of time.

5 Simple Ways to Improve Your Health Through Meditation

5 Simple Ways to Improve Your Health Through Meditation
Did you know that you can use yoga to help to
meditate (and strengthen your body and soul)?
Find out the “insider secrets” of yoga here.

Did you know that something as simple as meditation can help you improve your health? Meditation is not only a great way to relieve stress and anxiety, it’s also a wonderful way to help you elicit healing and improve your health. 

Meditation not only offers you a rare opportunity to escape your thoughts, it can also help you lower your blood pressure, decrease muscle tension, relieve headaches, relax the nervous system, increase the blood flow and slow the heart rate. 

Meditation is a tool that has been in use for hundreds of years, dating all the way back to ancient Egypt. Ancient people used meditation for centuries to appease the gods and make a higher connection. 

Meditation is one of the oldest forms of spiritual, mental and health and wellness practices in existence, and there is really no telling exactly how far back it goes. 

What is The Easiest Way to Get Started With Meditation?

What is The Easiest Way to Get Started With Meditation?
Learn the secrets of yoga & meditation combined

Would you like to reduce stress, improve your concentration, boost your mood and lower your blood pressure all at the same time? What if it didn’t cost you anything and you could just sit there while it was happening? 

It sounds too good to be true, but the benefits of meditation are both effortless and endless. Are you reluctant to try it? 

With all of its mystery and protocol, meditation can seem intimidating, but it’s actually very simple. Meditation requires a little more than your breath and a quiet moment.

How to Ascend to Your Higher Self

How to Ascend To Your Higher Self
Searching for Your Higher Self?

Your higher self is the essence of you. It is the real you or your total soul consciousness. It completes you and is in possession of your soul contract. It is like having access to your own instruction manual or help centre.

When you access your higher self, you can get the answers you need. You are always connected to your higher self. You might think of it as your voice of reason.

She has all of the answers to all of the dilemmas and problems you experience in life. The higher self has a plan he or she is working off of, and if you can connect with your higher self, you can catch a glimpse of this plan.

4 Easy Meditation Techniques to Attract Abundance

4 Easy Meditation Techniques to Attract Abundance
Discover how to use yoga to advance your
meditative practice and skill here.

What if all that was standing between you and your dreams was your thinking? You can achieve the life you desire through meditation techniques, and they are easier to do than you think.

Training the mind takes practice and dedication. You need to be focused on your goals and concentrate on them before they will manifest in your life. The more you visualise your dreams, the more power they have.

The universe will only attract what you ask for, so be clear about what you want. You’ll need to see your goal specifically, down to the last detail.

Double Your Productivity: 7 Secrets

Double Your Productivity: 7 Secrets
I highly recommend that you take this 60 second quiz and
then check out your customised report that comes from it.

Are you on the path to ultimate life success? Why leave it to chance? Do you think it’s possible to double your productivity as early as this month? 

If you think this sounds impossible, just think about this: As you’re reading this, people who are no smarter or more hardworking than you are making millions of dollars a year, or even a month! 

This means that the only possibility is that they know a few secrets about productivity, which are enabling them to do a lot more in a lot less time. Let’s look at seven secrets which you can start using today.

Alternative Beliefs: A Complete Beginner's Guide

Alternative Beliefs: A complete beginner's guide
Get your free numerology reading and unlock the hidden secrets
of a more powerful, more abundant life.

What does it mean to have an alternative belief? We could define a belief as a judgment or an evaluation one makes about the world, about others, or themselves.

Some beliefs are based on facts while others on suppositions. Alternative beliefs would be any belief that strays from the mainstream culture or community.

Alternative beliefs cover a wide range of territory, but for this post, I will talk about alternative beliefs as they pertain to mind-body healing and the spiritual world.

3 Ways to Raise Your Vibrations to Improve Your Life's Success

How to Raise Your Vibrations to Improve Your Life's Success
Grab Your FREE gift and Use this Manifestation Breakthrough
Kit To FORCE The Universe To Give You Your DREAM Life...

Are you wondering how to be successful? We are all beings of energy so as we live, we vibrate continuously. Our thoughts have a profound effect on our vibration level: when our thoughts are pure and positive, we raise our vibrations.

When we worry or have negative thoughts, our vibrations are lowered. Having high vibrations makes it easier to have good things happen to you, and vice-versa.

Once you master the art of controlling your vibrations, the great events the universe showers on you will make it easy to keep a positive outlook!

7 Ways to Reduce Stress in Your Life

7 Ways to Reduce Stress in Your Life
Your free personalised path to ultimate life success

Did you know that too much stress can cause problems with your metabolism, which can have a dramatic effect on your physical and emotional health ... and your longevity? 

Most of us hate having excess stress in our life ... but how often do we really think about the fact that stress could kill us? 

If this concerns you and you’re looking for a strategy for eliminating 90% of the stress from your life, then this might be one of the most important articles you’ll ever read. Here are seven strategies that you can use to reduce the stress in your life.

3 Energy-Boosting Meditation Tips

3 Energy-Boosting Meditation Tips
Get Your Free Numerology Reading Here

These days, who doesn’t want to boost their energy? By the end of the day most people feel wiped out, and after fulfilling their responsibilities, tasks, pending deadlines and family obligations, they don’t have enough oomph left to take care of themselves! 

Has self-care gone to the back burner of your life, replaced by rushing from work to home and back again? Do you fuel up on energy drinks and sugar-infused lattes after a lacklustre breakfast and lunch? 

I’m going to discuss the three ways that a daily meditation practice can help you to not just boost your energy, but knock it out of the ballpark! When you learn these natural ways to enhance your alertness and productivity, you may just be able to kick your caffeine addiction altogether and finally fight off that urge to fall asleep on the couch while watching TV. 

If you are tired of being tired, read these three meditation tips to fight your fatigue and increase alertness throughout each day.

Reiki Tips: Banish Aches and Pains

Reiki Tips: Banish Aches and Pains
Ready to learn Reiki at home?
You can even get REAL Reiki accreditation! Get started here now.

Are you suffering from aches and pains? Do headaches, stiff joints, and an aching back hold you back regularly? 

If so, Reiki can help! Reiki is a hands-on energy healing method that people have used for centuries. It is simple for anyone to learn - in fact, you could say that it is instinctive for all humans! 

Why do I say that Reiki can help? (Remember my previous post, “7 Ways to Overcome Pain with Reiki”?) 

First, anyone can do it! What is the first thing you do for yourself or others - especially kids - when they hurt themselves? 

People cover the area that hurts with their hands. That is the first step in Reiki!

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