Unlimited Horizons Self Improvement

Double Your Productivity: 7 Secrets

Double Your Productivity: 7 Secrets
I highly recommend that you take this 60 second quiz and
then check out your customised report that comes from it.

Are you on the path to ultimate life success? Why leave it to chance? Do you think it’s possible to double your productivity as early as this month? 

If you think this sounds impossible, just think about this: As you’re reading this, people who are no smarter or more hardworking than you are making millions of dollars a year, or even a month! 

This means that the only possibility is that they know a few secrets about productivity, which are enabling them to do a lot more in a lot less time. Let’s look at seven secrets which you can start using today.

5 Secrets to Blissful Relationships

5 Secrets of Blissful Relationships
You can use this revolutionary software that blocks out negativity
and replaces bad thoughts with positive affirmations
that help you achieve your goals and live a happy life.

Have you ever seen a couple who had been together for 30 or 40 years and wondered what their secret was? 

Listen, there’s actually no such thing as a ‘blissful’ relationship. They take work and there will be many trials along the road if you’re together with someone long term. 

However, you can do things to make your relationships function better so both of you can be happier. Put these five secrets to blissful relationships into practice and you’ll amaze yourself at how much simpler it is to have a great relationships.

Are Vision Boards the Key to Unlimited Success?

Are Vision Boards the Key to Unlimited Success?
Get your free Numerology reading here to see a vision of your future

Vision boards are a visual representation of all of your hopes and dreams. You can make a vision board by cutting out photos or pictures of things you would like to attract into your life. 

A vision board is basically a collage that acts as a reminder of the kind of life you would like to be living. Vision boards are a simple concept that can work to help you make your dreams a reality. 

Vision boards are a treasure map or goal-setting device that can help you supercharge your powers of manifestation. Made popular during the famous movie called “The Secret,” but the truth of it is that vision boards have been around for years. 

Procrastination: 7 Causes, 7 Cures

Procrastination: 7 Causes, 7 Cures
Use "Your Numbers" to help you stop procrastinating.

Does procrastination ever stop you from doing what you really want to do with your life? Maybe you want to get in better shape, go back to school, start your business or start investing money for the future. 

You can always do it tomorrow, right? 

But then tomorrow comes, and you don’t feel like doing it again and so goes the sad saga of procrastination. 

When does it end? 

If you’ve been wondering about this, here are seven causes of procrastination and seven cures that will help you put an end to procrastination today. 

What is My Numerology Number?

what is my numerology number
Get your FREE full numerology reading here!

How do you find out what is my numerology number?

It’s not a hard task and follows a simple formula:

For each letter, a number is associated and then the name number calculation is clear, as in case of date of birth.

Birth Number Numerology

birth number numerology
Calculate your Numerology birth number for FREE here!    

How do you calculate your birth number in numerology? It’s actually quite a simple process.

The numerology of your birth date, despite whatever month you were born in, can reveal your personality. It’s pretty accurate!

You tie each birth number to your natural abilities and what challenges you are likely to face. To decipher your birth number, use this simple technique.

What is a Numerology Calculator?

numerology calculator
Instantly Calculate The Most Telling Numbers In Your Numerology
Chart To Discover Your Strangest Personality Traits, Hidden Desires
& How Others Really See You

What is a numerology calculator? It’s a tool that returns your numerology numbers or the so-called special numbers, including lucky number, life path number, destiny number, soul number, soul urge number and inner dream number. 

A numerology calculator is based on your date of birth and name. You just have to provide the data, then the tool will do the numerology calculation and provide results tailored to only you. 

It is useful to explain what a 'lucky number' actually is. These are particular numbers that bring luck and opportunity in life to people, but they also reveal particular personal hazards to avoid. They influence people’s behaviour.

Alternative Beliefs: A Complete Beginner's Guide

Alternative Beliefs: A complete beginner's guide
Get your free numerology reading and unlock the hidden secrets
of a more powerful, more abundant life.

What does it mean to have an alternative belief? We could define a belief as a judgment or an evaluation one makes about the world, about others, or themselves.

Some beliefs are based on facts while others on suppositions. Alternative beliefs would be any belief that strays from the mainstream culture or community.

Alternative beliefs cover a wide range of territory, but for this post, I will talk about alternative beliefs as they pertain to mind-body healing and the spiritual world.

Inspirational Music - One - U2

Get your very own Personalized Numerology Video Report to find out what the numbers reveal about your life and future potential

‘One’ by U2 is a mesmerising song. I can’t really put it into words what it means to me, as it means so much.

Bittersweet, universal, spine-tingling. It’s one of U2’s most well-known tracks and a centrepiece in their gigs. When the band plays it, the whole place sings.

It is on the band’s 1991 critically acclaimed album Achtung Baby, recorded in Berlin’s famous Hansa studio, London and Dublin. The song’s meaning is open to interpretation, and many people assign it different meanings. 

Inspirational Music - Clannad - Theme From Harry's Game

Get your very own Personalized Numerology Video Report to find out what the numbers reveal about your life and future potential

Theme From Harry’s Game by Clannad, has a powerful effect on the mind and emotions.

Originally composed in reference to the political strife and violence in Northern Ireland in the 1980s during "The Troubles”.

In fact, I find it perfect for meditating or being mindful - there is a mysterious, wistful beauty to the music. I can’t help but be carried away by its eerie allure…

What do you think? Where does it take you?

Inspirational Music - Tracy Chapman - Talkin' Bout a Revolution

Get your very own Personalized Numerology Video Report to find out what the numbers reveal about your life and future potential

‘Talkin’ Bout a Revolution’ by Tracy Chapman is a cracker of a song. Her voice is magnificent, and she’s a first class song writer.

I find this track particularly inspiring. Perhaps it’s very relevant to the world at the moment with the divisiveness, the dominance of right wing populism or the widening gap between the rich and poor.

However, it’s a timeless classic. Full of hope and to me it’s a calling to us that if we pull together, substantial change is possible against the odds.

3 Ways to Heal Your Body and Spirit

3 Ways to Heal Your Body and Spirit
Know your Numbers to transform your wildest dreams
into everyday reality

Did you know that disturbing emotions can be bad for your health? Emotions such as anger, frustration, anxiety and even jealousy can manifest in the physical body and end up as ulcers, allergies, migraines and even back pain, if not more. 

This is one reason that simple practices such as yoga, tai-chi and even chi-gong can be so restorative for the mind, body and spirit. Reiki is also one of the most effective methods to heal your body and spirit.

Everything is energy, and the truth of the matter is that energy cannot be created or destroyed. It can only be transformed.

If you believe in this theory, you see that hurtful emotions can often transform into illness and disease. Physics tells us that if you match the frequency of the reality you want, you cannot help but get that reality. 

How to Use Outsourcing to Master Your Time

If you have already started (or are interested in) creating wealth by escaping the hours-for-dollars trap, you’ve probably realised how important it is to use your time wisely. 

How can you clear your plate when you have so many opportunities and they’re all important? The answer is mastering the art of effective outsourcing.

Alternative and Traditional Beliefs: Can They Coexist?

Alternative and Traditional Beliefs: They Can Coexist
Get your very own Personalized Numerology Video Report
to find out what the numbers reveal about your life and future potential

Some people might have you believe that you have to choose either an alternative belief or a traditional one. You can and should choose BOTH because they can coexist together quite nicely. 

Complementary and alternative medicine and other alternative beliefs can coexist quite peacefully right along with traditional medicine and traditional beliefs. Just because you are a devout Christian or a Muslim does not mean that you can’t dabble in some alternative medical treatments, such as guided imagery or even hypnotherapy. 

These types of treatments complement traditional treatments. No one should ever advise you to give up traditional treatments or to go off of your medication instead of an alternative therapy. 

Unintentional Ways You Are Attracting What You Don't Want

Unintentional Ways You Are Attracting What You Don't Want
Did you know that you can create your own reality using
The Power of Numbers?

Would you like to be thinner, richer, and happier? A lot of people want these things, but it is often our thinking that blocks us from having them. 

In fact, you may be responsible for all the stuff that you don’t want in your life. I know it sounds crazy, but that’s what is happening. All of your negative thoughts and worries contribute to your miserable life. 

Expect your day to go badly, and chances are your attitude alone will guarantee it. This all happens on a subconscious level, and it is hard to catch yourself doing it. 

With a little awareness and practice, however, you can align your thoughts with positive action and find more success and happiness. 

3 Habits of Successful People

3 Habits of Successful People
Is Success in Your Numbers?

What makes people successful and why are some people more successful than others? These are good questions to ask if you want to be more successful yourself. So, what are the habits of successful people?

What we define as success differs from person to person. So for now, let’s think of it as getting from where you are now into a future improved place. That could be financial, health, relationships, education or spiritual. Or whatever it is you’re trying to achieve.

It doesn’t matter what goal it is you want to achieve, the same principles apply to people who are successful at attaining them. Learning from successful people is the best way to achieve your own goals in life as they can provide signposts to where you need to go as they’ve been there already and show what works and what doesn’t. 

Discover the Sacred Meanings of Names

Discover the Sacred Meanings of Names
What's the deal between your name & numbers?

Do you act like a Brian, Alice or James? If you think you do, you’re exactly right. 

Whether you know it, you’re living up to the hidden meaning of your name, regardless of whether you know what your name means.

Before you were even born, your name was consciously and carefully planned to represent you in the perfect way. Out of the thousands of names your parents could have chosen for you, only one was the exact right fit. 

This became your name, or did you become it?

How to Build a Stronger Ego

How to Build a Stronger Ego

In the realm of psychology and self-development, the concept of ego has long been a subject of fascination and exploration. Often misunderstood and misrepresented, the ego has been labelled as a negative attribute associated with arrogance and self-centeredness. 

However, there exists another perspective—one that sees the ego as a vital component of personal growth and self-confidence. Building a stronger ego is not about feeding our egocentric tendencies or inflating our sense of self-importance. 

Builder a stronger ego by taking this free Numerology Reading here. The results are remarkably accurate and you can take great strides with the knowledge you will gain!

Rather, it is an endeavour that involves cultivating self-awareness, resilience, and a healthy balance between self-confidence and humility. It is about unleashing the power within ourselves to navigate life's challenges, build meaningful relationships, and achieve our goals.

What is The Ego?

To embark on the journey of building a stronger ego, it is crucial to first understand what the ego truly represents. In psychological terms, the ego refers to the conscious part of our personality that mediates between the instinctual desires of the id and the moral standards of the superego

It is the ego that defines our sense of self, our individuality, and our ability to adapt to the demands of the external world. The idea of a stronger ego may evoke images of assertiveness, dominance, or an inflated self-image. 

However, such misconceptions fail to capture the essence of what it means to possess a strong ego. A strong ego is not synonymous with arrogance or selfishness. Instead, it is a foundation of self-assurance, resilience, and authenticity. 

It is the bedrock upon which we can confidently face life's adversities, pursue our aspirations, and maintain healthy relationships. Building a stronger ego involves a multifaceted approach that integrates various psychological and self-development principles. 

It requires self-reflection, personal growth, and the cultivation of key traits such as self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and resilience. It is a transformative process that empowers individuals to embrace their true selves, recognize their strengths and weaknesses, and navigate life's complexities with confidence and grace.

What You Will Learn

I will delve into the strategies and practices that can help us build a stronger ego. I will explore the importance of self-awareness and personal growth, the role of resilience in facing challenges, the significance of healthy relationships, and the cultivation of emotional intelligence. 

Additionally, I will highlight the importance of self-assertion, the value of celebrating achievements, the necessity of embracing failure as a learning opportunity, and the need for self-care. It is important to note that building a stronger ego is a highly individualized and ongoing process. 

What works for one person may not work for another, and the journey may be filled with ups and downs. However, by incorporating the principles and practices outlined in this article, you can embark on a transformative path of self-discovery and personal development. 

So, let us embark on this enlightening journey, uncovering the secrets to building a stronger ego and unlocking the full potential that resides within each and every one of us.

Do Positive Affirmations Really Work?

Do Positive Affirmations Really Work?
Find out more about the secret meaning of numbers
recurring in your life. Grab your FREE Number Messages
Handbook now!
Are you sceptical about using 'positive' affirmations? When you hear the term, do you sigh and think “what a load of old mumbo jumbo!”. Or do you think, “if I tell myself positive things all the time, won’t I simply become delusional?”

Many people actively cultivate negative thoughts and beliefs about themselves. For example, saying things like, “I am doomed!” or “I am constantly awkward in social situations” or “I never make the right decisions!” or “I know I will fail”.

However, what happens in this mindset is that if you continually tell yourself these kinds of things, then ultimately you will start accepting them as your default state.

How to Improve Your Self-Esteem in 5 Steps

How to Overcome Low Self-Esteem in 5 Steps
Can Your Numbers Give You The Gift of Self-Love?
Having a healthy self esteem is crucial for your wellbeing and enables you to thrive in life. 

I’m sure in our lives most of us have known what it’s like to experience feelings of self-doubt or self-loathing. Some people seem to overcome it naturally, but others require a little more help.

3 Ways to Raise Your Vibrations to Improve Your Life's Success

How to Raise Your Vibrations to Improve Your Life's Success
Grab Your FREE gift and Use this Manifestation Breakthrough
Kit To FORCE The Universe To Give You Your DREAM Life...

Are you wondering how to be successful? We are all beings of energy so as we live, we vibrate continuously. Our thoughts have a profound effect on our vibration level: when our thoughts are pure and positive, we raise our vibrations.

When we worry or have negative thoughts, our vibrations are lowered. Having high vibrations makes it easier to have good things happen to you, and vice-versa.

Once you master the art of controlling your vibrations, the great events the universe showers on you will make it easy to keep a positive outlook!

Motivational Quotes About Life

Life: that absurd thing we all go through here on planet Earth. Motivational quotes about life can help you navigate its twists and turns, spurring you on to ever greater things.

Remember, never give up. When you boil it down, we’re all really in the same boat. At times, we need some directions. 

“You have to be where you are to get where you need to go.” — Amy Poehler

Inspirational Quotes About Life and Struggles

Wow, life can be shit at times. This is where inspirational quotes about life and struggles come in!

It doesn't matter who you are or where you've come from, you're bound to hit the odd trough from time to time. Time to brush it off and move on, head held high. Hope they help you.

“We have to let go of who we think we should be and embrace what is.” — Achea Redd

Powerful Motivational Quotes

Read these powerful motivational quotes to get your life really rocking. We all hit roadblocks at times as we stumble through this bizarre thing we call 'life'. 

They work for me when I hit inevitable obstacles. I hope they work for you too.

Nothing is stronger than a broken man rebuilding himself.” – Unknown

How to Use Aromatherapy to Heal Your Mind and Body

How to Use Aromatherapy to Heal Your Mind and Body
Take this cutting-edge 60 second quiz now

Aromatherapy is an alternative therapy that uses plant materials and aromatic compounds, otherwise known as essential oils, to provide therapeutic benefit. These oils and compounds can help improve mood, cognitive functioning and help you relax.

The theory behind aromatherapy is that they say some essential oils have healing effects. Some evidence supports the hypothesis that essential oils have therapeutic potential. Our noses are powerful, you’ve probably found that scent can trigger all kinds of emotions e.g. nostalgia. A simple whiff of a smell you remember from childhood can transport you instantly back to that time!

Fantastically Simple Healing Prayers

Fantastically Simple Healing Prayers
Discover how to become a reiki healing master today

It doesn’t matter how you were raised spiritually or what religion you grew up recognising as your faith. With God, a divine energy and your higher self, religion doesn’t play as much of a part in your resilience to overcome challenges that life throws your way as much as the tools you use to know, to make sense of and to believe in. 

What matters most is what you do today about the cards life has dealt you. Healing prayers are a tool of the mind more than anything, and while you may (or don't) believe in God, Buddha or the Koran, nothing is as powerful as the strength that lies within you. 

7 Ways to Reduce Stress in Your Life

7 Ways to Reduce Stress in Your Life
Your free personalised path to ultimate life success

Did you know that too much stress can cause problems with your metabolism, which can have a dramatic effect on your physical and emotional health ... and your longevity? 

Most of us hate having excess stress in our life ... but how often do we really think about the fact that stress could kill us? 

If this concerns you and you’re looking for a strategy for eliminating 90% of the stress from your life, then this might be one of the most important articles you’ll ever read. Here are seven strategies that you can use to reduce the stress in your life.

Bring Optimism into Your Everyday Life

Bring Optimism into Your Everyday Life
What ‘One Thing’ Is Holding You Back?

How important is it really to be a diehard optimist? Isn’t it true that you can’t be positive about everything and that sometimes you have to just face reality?

This is a very interesting question because it gives a hint as to the importance of being an optimistic thinker instead of a pessimistic thinker.

The Question: Who Is More Realistic?

14 Tips to Increase Your Positivity!

14 Tips To Increase Your Positivity!
What Is Stopping You From Using The Law Of Attraction Effectively?

Many of us struggle to navigate life’s challenges and can feel more depressed than hopeful. How can you see the glass half full when things aren’t going your way?

How can we engage in positive thinking if we feel negative? The key is to focus less on the obstacles and negative possibilities and more on your strengths.

Use these tips to build a better mindset and live a successful life.

It’s All “Love and Light,” Right? Forgetting Your Shadow is Like Ignoring Half of Yourself

Click here to read your Personalised Numerology Report right now.
Get your free Personalized Numerology Video Reading here.

One of the best ways to learn things is by listening to other people’s stories. When you can really feel someone’s emotions, the memory will stick.

One of the truest statements is, “People rarely remember exactly what happened, but they sure remember how it made them feel.”

This just goes to show that feelings and emotions are the staying-powers for our brains. Storytelling is a great way to learn from other people’s experiences without actually having to experience them for yourself.

If you’ve done any kind of research on spirituality, you’ll find a pattern. Most deeply spiritual people have some kind of “dark” past that they had to go through in order to reach the spiritual maturity that they are now in.


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