Unlimited Horizons Self Improvement

5 Insider Strategies to Tap Into the Law of Attraction and Have Anything You Desire

Insider Strategies to Tap Into the Law of Attraction and Have Anything You Desire
Get started today!
Getting what you want in life may be as easy as just thinking about it. The Law of Attraction is a popular method of using positive thinking to manifest your desires. 

It sounds too good to be true, but can it really work for you? One of the basic principles of the Law of Attraction states that “like attracts like.” 

This means that if I put my thoughts, time and energy into something, it will grow. In fact, your thoughts are creating your reality all the time.

Video - Finding Your Life's Purpose - Passion

Watch this important video that will show you the hidden power of numerology in your life.
After watching the video, you will get the chance to download your very own customised numerology report.

Be The Change - Inspirational Video

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Make Today Your Best Day Ever

Make Today Your Best Day Ever
Make Today a Great One!

Although it’s not possible to go back in time and start your life over, you can start today by making a conscious decision to be happy, no matter what.

If you really think about it, today is really all you have, so it makes sense to make the best out of it that you can. It is so easy to get caught up in the drama that we often forget that our lives should be an amazing and incredible journey.

What’s the Deal with the Law of Attraction?

law of attraction
Download Your Free Law of Attraction eBook Here

To understand the Law of Attraction you must first define it. The Law of Attraction is based on the principle of like attracts like. 

This universal law affects everything in your life and the lives of everyone around you: Birds of a feather flock together. 

10 Habits of Happy People

If you want to take full advantage of the joys that life can offer, then you need to know that you have immense capability to be happy. Always focus on that power!

The happiness you have in your life emanates from your own inner feelings of joy, wonder and appreciating what you already have.

You have to forget about external sources of joy and focus on what is inside you. Happiness will never be a constant. We live in the real world and we're all only human. Nonetheless, learn these 10 habits of happy people and you'll boost your overall happiness levels.

How the Law of Attraction Really Works

How the Law of Attraction Really Works
It might just be the secret you are
looking for to change your life
How well is the law of attraction working for you?

If you’ve already seen the movie “The Secret” and all those super-successful people who seem to effortlessly attract what they want, you might think:

“There’s got to be more to it than just thinking.”

Well, guess what? There is!

7 Easy Steps to Overcome Shyness

7 Easy Steps to Overcome Shyness
It's Time to Get Out There!
Are you suffering under the burden of shyness and wondering if there’s a way for you to break out of your shell and become a more confident and assertive person?

If so, you’ll be excited to know that we’ve collected seven fool proof tips for overcoming shyness, which you can practise right now.

3 Things You Never Knew About the Law of Attraction

3 Things You Never Knew About the Law of Attraction

While just about everyone has probably heard about the law of attraction, there are a few things you may not be aware of.

Whether you study and follow the law of attraction or not, one thing is for sure, it is already at work in your life, whether you are consciously aware of it or not.

The theory is that you attract into your life whatever it is you happen to be focused on, so if you are not happy with the things or the people in your life, guess what? You invited them!

“12 Truths” - Anne Lamott Video

Anne Lamott is an American novelist and non-fiction writer. She is also a progressive political activist, public speaker, and writing teacher and a person in long term recovery from Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD). Her nonfiction works are largely autobiographical. Wikipedia

Anne Lamott recorded a Ted Talk about the 12 Truths that she knows for sure, or almost for sure.
Here is the short list:

3 Energy-Boosting Meditation Tips

3 Energy-Boosting Meditation Tips
Get Your Free Numerology Reading Here

These days, who doesn’t want to boost their energy? By the end of the day most people feel wiped out, and after fulfilling their responsibilities, tasks, pending deadlines and family obligations, they don’t have enough oomph left to take care of themselves! 

Has self-care gone to the back burner of your life, replaced by rushing from work to home and back again? Do you fuel up on energy drinks and sugar-infused lattes after a lacklustre breakfast and lunch? 

I’m going to discuss the three ways that a daily meditation practice can help you to not just boost your energy, but knock it out of the ballpark! When you learn these natural ways to enhance your alertness and productivity, you may just be able to kick your caffeine addiction altogether and finally fight off that urge to fall asleep on the couch while watching TV. 

If you are tired of being tired, read these three meditation tips to fight your fatigue and increase alertness throughout each day.

Why Negativity Is Contagious

Why Negativity Is Contagious
Stay away from negative people!
Have you ever wondered about how after spending time around an unmotivated, unhappy person, you can become unmotivated and unhappy yourself? 

If so, this short post should help you understand a little more about unhappy people’s nature and why it’s so important to stay away from people who are always seeing the worst in everything.

The Unlimited Nature of Abundance

The Unlimited Nature of Abundance
Fancy liberating that undiscovered brilliance trapped inside you?
Let the Manifestation Miracle work for you

Did you know that one of the most important things that separates people who are highly successful from those who aren’t is a mindset based on abundance instead of on scarcity?

Just think about how much easier it is to be confident and to be immune to things like the fear of failure or poverty if you honestly believe that there is an endless supply of the things you want.

So, how do you create this kind of mindset and develop the confidence required to be successful and achieve your peak potential? It begins with understanding the unlimited nature of abundance ...

The 5 Benefits of Green Tea

Hot or iced, green tea can restore your skin, improve your youthful glow, and even help your body fight off cancer. It can recharge your health, wellness and mind/body balance and help you fight obesity, diabetes and even heart disease. 

What can’t this super-beverage do? Very little in fact. 

The Japanese and Chinese have used green tea for centuries. It was a soothing ailment for chronic illness, as well as a cultural activity throughout their day. 

Everyone socialised, worked and played while enjoying this powerful, antioxidant-rich elixir. Think about how differently you would feel if every time you reached for a cup of coffee or sugary soda, you swapped it out for a cup of green tea instead? 

It may seem like a minor difference, but switching what you put in your mug can be life changing. Green tea can prevent disease, calm nervousness and even reverse obesity!

Reiki Tips: Banish Aches and Pains

Reiki Tips: Banish Aches and Pains
Ready to learn Reiki at home?
You can even get REAL Reiki accreditation! Get started here now.

Are you suffering from aches and pains? Do headaches, stiff joints, and an aching back hold you back regularly? 

If so, Reiki can help! Reiki is a hands-on energy healing method that people have used for centuries. It is simple for anyone to learn - in fact, you could say that it is instinctive for all humans! 

Why do I say that Reiki can help? (Remember my previous post, “7 Ways to Overcome Pain with Reiki”?) 

First, anyone can do it! What is the first thing you do for yourself or others - especially kids - when they hurt themselves? 

People cover the area that hurts with their hands. That is the first step in Reiki!

7 Ways to Overcome Pain with Reiki

7 Ways to Overcome Pain with Reiki
Click here to learn how to become a Reiki healing master.

Pain: We have all experienced it. If you could use an easy-to-learn technique to rid yourself of it - and do it in the comfort and privacy of your own home - why wouldn’t you try it out? 

Well, there is a way, and it’s called Reiki healing. This energy-based method can help you overcome physical, mental, emotional, and even spiritual pain. 

In Reiki, you physically place your hands on or over some part of your body and mentally send healing energy to that area. Everyone can perform Reiki; you channel energy through your hands to heal the painful area. 

This energy is around us all the time. The Reiki healer just provides a pathway for that energy to provide healing. 

5 Tips to Understanding Your Dreams

5 Tips to Understanding Your Dreams
Grab Your FREE Manifestation Breakthrough Kit

Dreams can help you clarify your thoughts and emotions, help you solve problems and unlock your innermost thoughts and desires. 

Many people are fascinated by dreams. I know I am so I wanted to find out more about them. I dream vividly most nights, I remember some of them come the morning but I know I’m forgetting lots of them too.

There are many different schools of thought as to what dreams’ purpose actually is. Scientists describe dreams as a mix of physiology, neurobiology, cognition and information processing.

On the other hand, some describe dreams as no more than a spontaneous, self-activation of the brain during sleep. So who is right?

Is it Really Possible to Forgive and Forget?

Is it Really Possible to Forgive and Forget?
100% FREE Meditation MP3 Audio Tracks - JUST RELEASED

Forgiveness may be the last thing on your mind after someone has wronged you. It is so much easier to wallow in hate, anger and nurture thoughts of revenge than to dust yourself up and learn to forgive.

Especially if the offender is not asking for forgiveness. It might even feel good or contribute to your identity being the one hurt. Forming a major part of who you are and telling everybody all about it.

It can feel satisfyingly self-righteous! However, refusal to forgive and harbouring bitter resentment will only do more harm than good, especially in the long term.

6 Sure Steps to Build Real Wealth

6 Sure Steps to Building Real Wealth
Want to attract more wealth to your life? Click here to know how

I’m going to tell you about six sure steps to build real wealth. These are the same strategies that the wealthiest people in North America use to build their personal fortunes.

How to Become an Inspiration to Your Peers

How to Become an Inspiration to Your Peers
Want to Lead an Inspiring Life?
How amazing would it be if you were an inspiration to friends and loved ones? Just imagine what people would say about you if you were such an inspiration, both today and after your passing. 

But what’s the secret to becoming a force of positive inspiration to the people around you? Let’s look at the most important factors to inspiring others, and then we’ll talk about a plan of action for making them work in your life.

5 Harmful Myths About Alternative Beliefs

5 Harmful Myths About Alternative Beliefs Revealed
Discover The Number One Reason Why You’re Banging Your Head Against a Wall
Alternative therapies and beliefs are misunderstood in so many ways. Some people refer to them as 'New Age Junk' merely because they go against conventional beliefs. 

There are many myths when it comes to alternative beliefs, so I would like to clarify some of those now.

3 Ways to Develop Mind Consciousness

3 Ways to Develop Mind Consciousness
Get instant access to your FREE Number Messages Handbook.

Is there incessant chatter in your head? Do you feel like the mind will just not settle down, endlessly rolling from thought to thought, but none of the thinking is useful? 

Becoming conscious of your mind can help you access its power. Becoming conscious of the mind is one of the great abilities of the human brain.

Being aware of the thinking process, rather than reacting instinctively, is a remarkable skill. It has made our culture possible, but it also has its limits. The conscious mind is like a video camera that records everything.

Even things that you don’t really notice, your consciousness is taking it all in, every detail. It receives this information and determines whether it is useful for you. 

Things like finding food, protecting yourself from danger and seeking shelter are all things that the conscious mind helps you do.

How to Live in The Present (Video)

This brilliant little video at the bottom of the post focuses on how to live in the present. Something many people find impossible to do with their minds constantly tuned into either the past, or the future.

Experiencing satisfaction and happiness has a lot to do with living in the here and now, something the human brain has trouble working out. The brain is a work of wonder, but it operates in the limitless zone; rarely tying itself to the here and now.

>>>Watch this important video that will show you the hidden power of numerology in your life.
After watching the video, you will get the chance to download your very own customised numerology report.<<<

In evolutionary terms, it was useful to calculate probabilities and the unpredictable, as it enabled early humans to survive and manipulate their environment for sustenance and safety. For example, running away from bears!

In modern times though, this ability can sometimes prove unhelpful and debilitating. With the fretting that can go on in our heads about deeds done in the past or futures unwritten.

It comes courtesy of www.theschooloflife.com. It’s a good watch, only 4 minutes long and very insightful.

Watch this important video that will show you the hidden power of numerology in your life.
After watching the video, you will get the chance to download your very own customised numerology report.

Career Headed Down the Drain? It's Time to Visualise Success

Career Headed Down the Drain? It's Time to Visualize Success
Live your dream lifestyle by achieving personal & career goals?
As it goes in a relationship, your career isn’t without some difficulties. It’s natural, and it’s even necessary to become motivated, raise the bar to your own success and professional progress and find new and improved ways of fine-tuning your craft. 

However, when you feel as if your career is at a dead end and it’s left you no option but to feel unworthy of a promotion or unsatisfied in your personal and professional progress, now is the time to act, not hesitate. 

7 Reasons You're Struggling to Get Ahead in Life

7 Reasons You're Struggling to Get Ahead in Life
Get your free personal numerology reading to get ahead in life

Are you struggling to get ahead in life but go nowhere fast? Perhaps you need a new strategy. 

Some say that the definition of insanity is when you keep doing the same thing but expect a different result. Many of us are probably insane if we believe in this theory. 

To manifest change, start thinking differently. If your current solution is not working, you may need a fresh approach. 

You might even need new goals and new dreams. If you are struggling to get ahead, there might be many reasons. Let’s look at 7 of these now.

Free Numerology Reading

Unlock the messages hidden in your Personality Code now with your Free Numerology Reading

Get Your Free Numerology Reading Here
Get Your Free Numerology Reading Here

Other Options Available

Option 1. This free and fully personalised video reading takes you on a fully personalised and multi-sensory journey into your unique numerology by examining the 3 core numbers in your chart. 

Almost as if a master numerologist was sitting with you in your living room, conducting a personal one-on-one reading.  

At the end of the video reading, you have the opportunity to purchase a complete Personality Decoder Report for just $7.  

This report is potent, precise, and fully personalised to the FIVE numbers in your chart you need to know right now to make empowering decisions and take command of your destiny, with no filler or fluff.

Option 2. Free reading, like the option above, but at the end of the video, this version of the personalised reading offers you a more comprehensive report – the flagship Deluxe Numerology Report.

This includes a complete and detailed analysis of ALL of your numbers for just $37, along with a very generous collection of bonus reports.

What will you attract into your life right now? According to the Law of Attraction (LOA), your thoughts create your reality.

So, whatever you focus on will manifest itself. For the LOA to work, it's essential that you are clear about your goals and that you get rid of any negative thoughts that might prevent you from reaching them.

One great way to get clarity (and to remove any obstacles) is to look to Numerology for guidance.

This incredible video is an intimate, spiritual journey, allowing you to see yourself in ways you've never ever seen yourself before.

The 100% personalized video reveals your Life Path, Expression and Soul Urge Numbers to show you:

  • The deep desires you might be ignoring (and how you can finally get them)
  • The best way to redirect your energy so you can stop struggling and start living easily and effortlessly
  • Secret talents and hidden strengths (and how to leverage them)
  • Powerful insights into your character and the unique way you relate to others
  • Upcoming challenges and lessons you’re meant to learn in this life as well as unexplored opportunities and to change your life for the better…

Think of this as a movie in which you are the star. You are definitely going to want to watch it.

Here's to walking the red carpet with all its abundance!

The Concise Guide to Attracting Everything You Desire - in ABUNDANCE

The Concise Guide to Attracting Everything You Desire - in ABUNDANCE
Go Get It!
Are you stuck in a dead-end job or not fulfilled in your relationship? What if you could change your life just by changing your thinking? 

Using the principles of the Law of Attraction can help you go from wanting or needing more love or money to having and enjoying it. Anyone can adopt these simple ways of thinking to create the life of their dreams.

Scientific Evidence of the Power of Visualisation

Scientific Evidence of the Power of Visualisation
Get started by creating your own
Mind Movie

Visualisation is a powerful technique for harnessing the Law of Attraction to realise your dreams. You’ve probably already heard a lot about how powerful creative visualisation is in helping you to attract what you want. 

Is there any scientific evidence behind all of this visualisation stuff, though? If you’ve been wondering or even been sceptical about this, then this article has the answers you’re looking for. 

Miracle Brain System Review

When you think about self help, the first couple of names that comes to mind would probably be Tony Robbins and Jim Rohn. Chris D’Cruz is not exactly a new name in the industry, but it’s easy to overlook the guy. 

Which is a shame, because he’s come up with some of the best products I’ve had the privilege to review in recent years.

The creator of Universal Life Secrets - one of the more compelling self-help programs I’ve seen in a while - is back with yet another program, this time one that promises to enhance your brain so that you can perform “miracles” in your life. 

Sounds ambitious, doesn’t it?

I’ll admit, I was a little sceptical at first. But since Chris wowed me with his previous product, I gave his latest product, Miracle Brain System, a try.

(Of course, the 60 day money back triple guarantee he offered was reassuring as well.)

Meditation and Pain Relief - Is There a Link?

Meditation and Pain Relief - Is There a Link?
Click here for the world’s most effective Reiki home-learning kit

From headaches and a stiff neck to muscle spasms and an achy back, can meditation be used to relieve pain?

Several scientific studies have shown that pain relief can result from meditative practices, such as yoga, Buddhist techniques, prayer and focused visualisations. The whole point of meditation is to calm down or quieten the autonomic nervous system (ANS).

This controls your heart, your breathing, and your overall metabolism. Lowering the activity of the ANS can lower the effects of any stress that may go on in your life.

And lowering stress can relieve many types of pain. Sounds pretty good so far, right? So, what different meditation techniques can you use to decrease pain?

Get Your Perzonalized Numerology Report Now
